Netflix Begins Deleting Users’ Essential Accounts

Netflix Begins Deleting Users’ Essential Accounts
Netflix Begins Deleting Users’ Essential Accounts

In several countries, existing Netflix Essential subscribers have had their subscription that allowed them to watch the platform’s content without advertising revoked.

It’s almost over for Netflix’s “Essential” offer. The platform had already withdrawn this subscription for all new users in December 2023, six months later, those who were still clinging to it will have to change their plan, otherwise they will no longer be able to enjoy Netflix content.

This was one of Netflix’s historic offers, and although it underwent several increases over the years, it remained the cheapest way to enjoy the platform without advertising, for 10.99 euros per month.

Netflix leaves no choice

Except that, as a Reddit user points out, current subscribers have something to worry about. For those residing in the United Kingdom and Canada, you will have to change your plan, as Netflix indicates when connecting to its services. The platform leaves little choice: it’s that, or nothing. If you decide to play the refractory, your subscription will end at the end of the current period.

Above all, Netflix requires users to immediately change their subscription: the sign warning of the end of the “Essential” offer cannot be deactivated, unless you change your subscription.

This is a major blow that should arrive in the coming weeks or months in France, and which risks costing dearly. If you want to continue watching Netflix without ads, you will have to switch to the “Standard” offer which costs 13.49 euros per month, a significant increase of 2.48 euros.

However, you can always upgrade to the “Standard with advertising” offer for 5.99 euros, like more than 40 million subscribers.

This offer with advertisements is particularly popular and allows to gather new subscribers, attracted by the very low price. Even if Netflix seeks to lighten the advertising screens which punctuate a viewing, they remain very present.

But Netflix could also go for a free offer, as press rumors suggested a few days ago. Already tested in some African countries, the formula has so far not yet found favor in the eyes of the platform, in particular due to a lower than expected appetite on the part of advertising professionals.

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