Want to know the size of a penis? Just look at a person’s nose

Want to know the size of a penis? Just look at a person’s nose
Want to know the size of a penis? Just look at a person’s nose
— Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com

In the world of science, a team of researchers has ventured into a study as curious as it is unexpected: the possible relationship between the size of the nose and that of the penis. Although the size of the genitals should not be a cause for concern, the results of this study, published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrologyraise questions about how certain physical traits may be linked from birth.

Participants and methodology

In 2021, researchers began a study examining the noses and genitals of recently deceased corpses. The results indicate a correlation between the size of the nose and that of the genitals. The study included 126 male cadavers, all of whom underwent forensic autopsies at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine between April 2015 and March 2019.

All individuals examined were between 30 and 50 years old, and autopsies were performed within three days of death, before any major decomposition had begun. The researchers measured height, weight, length and circumference of the flaccid penis, as well as the weight of the testicles and prostate.

As it was not possible to induce an erection in cadavers, “stretched penis length” was used, that is, the researchers manually stretched the genitals, considering that this would provide an accurate measurement of erect length.

Correlation between nose and genitals

The most significant correlation observed was between flaccid penis length and stretched penis length, which was expected. However, the second most significant correlation was between nose size and stretched penis length. Thus, according to the results, a larger nose is associated with a larger erect penis.

Contrary to expectations, nose size did not show a strong correlation with flaccid penis length. The researchers hypothesized that the elasticity of a small flaccid penis might be greater than that of a large flaccid penis, thus explaining this difference in the correlation.

The relationship between nose size and stretched penis length suggests that penis length may already exist before birth and is not influenced by factors such as age, height, or body weight.

The potential usefulness of research

Although these results are not directly applicable for forensic purposes, the researchers point out that understanding the process of penile growth and facial characteristics may play a crucial role in extrapolating fetal androgen levels and monitoring male genital functions. This is the first study of its kind to demonstrate the relationship between sound pressure level and nose size.

The research team acknowledges some limitations, including the study’s restriction to Japanese male cadavers. They also point out that the reason why sound pressure level and nose size are related is not yet clear. The researchers consider this an interesting topic for future investigation. The correlation between nose size and testicular weight, however, was found to be weak.

So while penis size remains a relatively unimportant topic, this unusual study of the correlation between nose and penis size offers insight into the potential link between facial and genital features. While this research may seem far removed from medical and legal concerns, it provides an interesting insight into human development and opens up new avenues of research in the field of biology. Also, why do Greek statues have such small penises?



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