In the middle of a heart attack, his life is saved by… his watch

In the middle of a heart attack, his life is saved by… his watch
In the middle of a heart attack, his life is saved by… his watch

Last Saturday, a 44-year-old Canadian firefighter suffered a terrifying experience that could have cost him his life, says
20 minutes. While playing with his son, he began experiencing strange symptoms, which he initially thought were the flu or allergies. However, half an hour later, while lying with his daughter, he noticed that his heart rate was not slowing down.

Intrigued, he took a look at his smartwatch, an Apple Watch, and discovered thathe suffered from atrial fibrillation, a condition characterized by rapid and irregular heartbeat. This immediate realization prompted him to go to the hospital immediately. “That’s when they told me I was probably having a heart attack“, he said, still in shock.

“I think my watch may have detected the problem because…”

Arriving at the hospital, the firefighter underwent a series of tests which revealed a complete occlusion of one of his coronary arteries. A diagnosis that stunned him, especially since he led a healthy lifestyle and had no family history of heart disease.. Convinced that his reflex to consult the hospital saved his life, he also underlined the crucial role played by his Apple Watch.

I think my watch was able to detect the problem because I wear it often and therefore it was easily able to identify an abnormality compared to my usual heart rate“, he explained.

“These devices tend to…”

This testimony is part of a growing trend:
more and more patients arrive in emergency rooms guided by connected devices, such as smart watches or activity bracelets. A trend welcomed by cardiologists, who see it as a way to encourage people to consult more quickly, even in the event of mild symptoms.

These devices tend to overestimate situations to encourage people to consult, rather than the opposite“, explains a cardiologist from the QEII hospital in Halifax (Canada). “The data collected can nevertheless serve as a basis for initial treatment before specialists use the technologies at their disposal to establish a reliable diagnosis.

The connected watch, a precious ally

If the Canadian firefighter’s Apple Watch saved his life,
it is important to remember that these devices do not in any way replace the advice of a doctor. They should be considered as complementary tools allowing you to monitor your state of health and be more attentive to the signals sent by your body.

In case of worrying symptoms, it is always essential to consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment. However, this story highlights the undeniable potential of connected technologies in healthcare. They can become valuable allies to help us better understand our body and react quickly to critical situations.



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