Starfield is not dead: Bethesda’s video game has more than 14 million players and has surprises in store for 2025

Starfield is not dead: Bethesda’s video game has more than 14 million players and has surprises in store for 2025
Starfield is not dead: Bethesda’s video game has more than 14 million players and has surprises in store for 2025

Game news Starfield is not dead: Bethesda’s video game has more than 14 million players and has surprises in store for 2025

Published on 06/18/2024 at 06:30

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Despite a start considered difficult by some players, Starfield – Bethesda’s latest baby – is still in the race and continues to update. A new DLC has been announced for 2025.

Even if it is Fallout which recently took the spotlight, Bethesda does not forget its latest role-playing game: Starfield… Yes, the RPG in space recently presented its first big scripted DLC, Shattered Space (scheduled for the end of 2024) as well as its June update, with the addition of the Trackers Alliance, new melee weapons as well as the Creation Kit dedicated to mods. Before that, the last major additions dated back to May, and clearly, Bethesda wants to keep up the pace. In a recent interview, Todd Howard, boss of the company, spoke of the arrival of another expansion comparable to Shattered Space ! And it is planned for 2025.

See Xbox Game Pass on Microsoft to play Starfield

“There will be another”

In the interview in question, when Howard was asked if there will be a big DLC ​​every year, he replied: “I would say more or less yes, we hope that we can continue like this for a very long time, that’s it. is what we’re planning for the one (expansion) after that (Shattered Space). So there will be another addition of content like this.” Of course: for the moment, the boss of Bethesda has not given any details on this future big piece… However, earlier in the interview, he talked about “year 2” of the game with the alternation of small | big updates as is the case today.

A promising future

As for Shattered Space, Todd Howard announces the color… Everything will be focused on a single planet and city and is similar to Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC in terms of scale. According to the boss of Bethesda, this is not a “reaction” to the criticism of players who have largely pointed the finger at the exploration of the game. In any case, this last point should improve in the future. In previous statements, the company has mentioned the eventual arrival of vehicles to explore the surfaces of thousands of planets. This would be a good thing for Starfield, which has, according to Howard, 14 million players to date.

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