This date on which the Earth will disappear according to scientists

Scientists have estimated a date when the Earth is expected to disappear. You might be very surprised!

The Earth is not eternal and that is no secret. For many years, specialists have agreed that our planet will end up disappearing one day or another. Yes, but when ?

Earth’s expiration date revealed

Many researchers at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom decided to look into the lifespan of the Earth. They were then able to reveal when our planet will disappear from the universe. And the reasons for this disappearance.

According to specialist studies, a mass extinction is expected occur in about 250 million years. The cause ? The intensification of climatic extremes. Indeed, the planet will not survive these changes.

In this analysis shared in the Nature Geo street, experts carried out advanced climate models and supercomputers. They were thus able to project how the merger of the continents into a supercontinent will affect the climate and habitability of the Earth.

Research indicates that in about 250 million years, all continents will come together to form a supercontinent called “Pangea Ultima”. As a result, extreme environmental conditions will arise.

And according to experts, this supercontinent will be largely hot, dry and uninhabitable. All this, with widespread temperatures between 40°C and 50°C. They also predict even higher daily peaks.

A worrying observation

Dr Alexander Farnsworth, lead author of the study and research associate at the University of Bristol, shared more about the study. He notably mentioned the creation of this new supercontinent on Earth.

The expert said: “The new supercontinent will create a triple threat. The continentality effect. A warmer sun. And more CO2 in the atmosphere. What will increase the heat in the atmosphere of a large part of the planet ».

Before adding: “The result: a hostile environment, mostly devoid of food and water sources for mammals”. It is therefore impossible to survive on Earth without water or food.

The study also reveals that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere could double. Above all, due to the intensification of volcanic activity associated with the formation of the supercontinent.

This activity will release large quantities of CO2. Additionally, the sun will become 2.5% brighter. And will emit more energy. It will thus considerably increase global warming.

“Humans, like many other species, will die”

Subsequently, the expert also clarified: “Widespread temperatures between 40°C and 50°C degrees Celsius. And even higher daily extremes, compounded by high humidity levels, would ultimately seal our fate”.

And to clarify about life on Earth: “Humans, like many other species, will die due to their inability to eliminate this heat through sweatthus cooling their bodies”.

The experts who carried out this study also produced very advanced climate models. Thus, they were able to simulate the trends in temperature, wind, precipitation and humidity of the future supercontinent.

To carry out this project, they used data from plate tectonic movements. But also ocean chemistry. And biology for map CO2 inputs and outputs.

The alert is sounded for the Earth

According to specialists, CO2 could well increase from around 400 parts per million (ppm) today to more than 600 ppm in millions of years. Another problem therefore for life on Earth.

Dr Alexander Farnsworth also warned: “It is vitally important not to lose sight of our current climate crisis, consequence of human greenhouse gas emissions .

And to conclude: “While we predict an uninhabitable planet within 250 million years, we are already experiencing extreme heat today that is detrimental to human health. This is why it is crucial to reach net zero emissions as quickly as possible”.


Victoria Bernard

Graduated from a major journalism school and I also have a diploma in aperitif preparation. I love writing and especially for Tuxboard, the team is really great and the subjects are very varied even if I prefer to write about the media and also fashion trends!



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