Summer at Inserm: podcasts and a comic book to understand health research

Summer at Inserm: podcasts and a comic book to understand health research
Summer at Inserm: podcasts and a comic book to understand health research

© Inserm

As Inserm celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, the Institute wishes more than ever to continue to propose new initiatives to make scientific subjects accessible to as many people as possible. Throughout the summer, new formats will be distributed to the public, to allow everyone to better understand Inserm’s work in the service of everyone’s health.

From June 21, Inserm invites you to discover its unique initiative: the podcast series The volunteers who goes to meet those who participate in health research in the Institute’s laboratories. An attractive format which allows us to revisit their valuable role in favor of research. Then, from the week of June 24, find a creative series of comics on the Inserm Instagram account that shed light on the close links between physical activity and health, celebrating this summer marked by the Olympic and Paralympic Games. of Paris 2024.

Beyond its primary function which is to lead scientific advances, the role of Inserm is also to inform citizens so that they can better understand the scientific approach and be active in their own health.. However, to carry out this mission successfully, we must succeed in initiating a real dialogue with the public, by offering relevant, accessible and constantly renewed content, based on rigorous scientific data.

This summer 2024, Inserm invites you to discover its new initiatives aimed at better sharing advances in biomedical and health research with all citizens.

The volunteers : podcasts to discover those who participate in Inserm health research

The podcast is a format that is attracting more and more listeners in France. Nearly 200 million podcasts are listened to each month in France! Faced with this enthusiasm, Inserm therefore took the challenge of offering its own series, highlighting an essential link in research: the volunteers who participate in studies carried out by the Institute.

Series The volunteers proposes to understand the essential role of these citizens by following them during experiments and accompanying them in the laboratories. Follow Johana, 8 years old, in her journey to determine the impact of pollution on her health, Giovanna, community activist and her fight to improve the care of transgender people living with HIV, or even Stéphane, 23 years old, and Geneviève, 74 years old, on the training mat to measure the effects of aging on motor skills…

Lasting 10 to 15 minutes per episode, orchestrated by scientific journalist Chandrou Koumar, these podcasts broadcast from June 21, 2024 are an integral part of Inserm’s approach to explaining and promoting health research and providing quality scientific information to all.

Comics on Instagram to talk about sport with young people

The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will occupy a large part of the news in the coming weeks. Although the close links between physical activity, sport and health are no longer in doubt, many preconceived ideas remain. Taking advantage of the notoriety of his series Detox ChannelInserm is preparing to publish a series of five new texts which will attempt to answer questions frequently asked by Internet users:

  • Is sport always accompanied by weight loss?
  • Have physical activity to fight cancer, really?
  • Does stretching really help prevent muscle soreness?
  • What is the benefit of proteins for athletes?
  • What recovery techniques should I use to recover after an effort?

And to reach a wider and younger audience, Inserm has teamed up with scientific illustrator Flore Avram to then produce these five texts in comic book format. Small boards illustrated with humor and finesse, which will be published on the Inserm Instagram account, at the rate of one comic strip per week, over the five weeks preceding the opening series of the JOP. See you on June 26 to discover the first episode!

Inserm at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

The 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris and France are an opportunity to massively welcome spectators into a large festive space of entertainment and celebration: the France club. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) has expressed its interest in holding and running a stand within this France club during the JOP 2024, in which Inserm is invited to participate.

From 1e on August 4, 2024, the Dijon research teams from the Cognition, action and sensorimotor plasticity (Caps) laboratory at Inserm will present their research work through the following events:

The FES rower: an innovative rehabilitation technique

Thanks to electrical stimulation of the thigh muscles, the FES rower allows paraplegic people to row!

Test your physical qualities through a few jumps with the Optojump!

Strength, speed, power, relaxation, aerobics, flexibility… vertical jumps are among the most used field tests to determine the physical qualities of the muscles of the lower limb. Measuring the suspension time gives an estimate of the jump height and the power developed.

Electrostimulation to build muscle

Muscle electrostimulation is an effective technique used in the medical and sporting world. It offers numerous benefits whether for athletes or for more vulnerable populations.

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