Thunderful separates from its distribution arm

Thunderful separates from its distribution arm
Thunderful separates from its distribution arm

Thunderful is the development studio behind the popular Steamworld franchise. It recently announced a major strategic decision: to separate from its distribution arm. This news surprised many fans and players in the video game industry. We wonder what this separation means for Steamworld fans and the future of games developed by Thunderful.

A look at Thunderful’s decision

Thunderful justified this separation by a desire to refocus its activities on the development of video games. Leaving the distribution arm will allow the company to devote more resources to the creation of new titles. The move aims to strengthen Thunderful’s position as a quality game developer.

Immediate impacts on the Steamworld franchise

The Steamworld franchise, which includes titles like Steamworld Dig and Steamworld Quest, has always been at the heart of Thunderful’s offering. Fans may be concerned about the implications of this separation for continuity and the quality of future games Steamworld. Thunderful reassured its supporters that the move will allow more resources to be focused on game development.

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Distribution: a new challenge for Thunderful

Video game distribution is a complex task that requires specific expertise. Thunderful will have to rely on external partners to ensure its games reach gamers around the world. This change will result in adjustments to the way Steamworld games are marketed and distributed.

Fans will notice differences in release times, availability of physical versions and marketing strategies. Thunderful will likely work with experienced distributors to minimize disruption and maintain a quality experience for players.

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Potential benefits for game development

If Thunderful focuses exclusively on game development, it will benefit from several significant advantages. This increased focus will lead him to shorter development cycles and more efficient. This will allow the studio to release new games more quickly. Also, investing more in research and development will help Thunderful explore new technologies and innovative gameplay concepts.

For fans, this potentially means more wide variety of games and richer, more immersive gaming experiences. Future Steamworld titles and other games developed by Thunderful could benefit from this new strategic direction.

The future of Thunderful and the Steamworld franchise

Thunderful has already proven its ability to create high quality games with the Steamworld franchise. When the company separates from its distribution arm, it takes a calculated risk. Which will result in long-term benefits for players and the video game industry.Steamworld fans should stay optimistic regarding the future of the franchise. Thunderful has expressed its commitment to its games and its fans, and this restructuring is designed to reinforce that devotion. Players can expect new announcements and exciting titles that will continue to push the boundaries of innovation.



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