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it is the most dangerous animal for humans, by far

it is the most dangerous animal for humans, by far
it is the most dangerous animal for humans, by far

Contrary to popular belief, the most dangerous animal for humans is neither the shark, nor the lion, nor the snake, nor the scorpion, nor even the spider. And the worst part is that you will soon come across him every day…

When we think of the most dangerous animals for humans, we often imagine imposing and frightening creatures like sharks, lions or elephants. However, if their attacks are indeed deadly, they cause few victims on the planet. Thus, sharks, often feared because of their representation in films, only kill around ten people per year. Lions and elephants, although more dangerous than sharks, each cause around 100 human deaths each year.

The hippopotamus, although it seems harmless, is responsible for 500 deaths per year. The more deadly crocodile kills around a thousand people at the same time. More surprisingly, dogs, often considered man’s best friend, cause around 25,000 deaths each year, mainly by transmitting rabies.

In fact, it is the smaller animals that prove to be the most dangerous to humans. The tsetse fly, which spreads sleeping sickness, is responsible for around 10,000 deaths per year. Snakes cause around 50,000 human deaths per year, mainly due to venomous bites. On the other hand, despite its much-feared sting, the scorpion only kills around 3,000 humans per year. And spiders, the objects of many phobias, only claim around ten victims each year worldwide.

© kasynetsolena-123RF

In reality, the deadliest animal for humans is much smaller and more common: the mosquito. This tiny insect causes more than 800,000 human deaths each year by transmitting serious diseases. It stings discreetly, indiscriminately, anywhere, anytime, earning it the reputation of silent assassins. And although it prefers warm and tropical areas, it is present almost everywhere on the planet, particularly in humid areas where it breeds.

The mosquito may not seem like much, but it is responsible for the spread of some of the most devastating diseases on the planet, such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malaria alone causes more than 400,000 deaths per year. The mosquito also transmits dengue fever, a disease whose cases have exploded in recent decades and which has no specific treatment. And the tiger mosquito, which has invaded France in recent years, is known to transmit the terrible chikungunya and zika viruses which wreak havoc.

Mosquitoes pose very real dangers that threaten millions of lives. Faced with this little killer, vigilance and prevention remain our best weapons until effective solutions are found to control and eradicate the diseases it transmits. So, the next time you hear that familiar buzzing sound near your ear, remember that, contrary to popular saying, it’s often the little beast that eats the big one…



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