Your #GoodTech press review for Monday June 10, 2024

Your #GoodTech press review for Monday June 10, 2024
Your #GoodTech press review for Monday June 10, 2024

What were the articles that caught the editor’s eye last weekend in the areas of open Source, AI and Linux? Summary and links to allow you to read these articles in full. This is our #GoodTech press review.

Program: Stable Audio Open: an open Source model for generating audio samples

Stability AI company introduced Stable Audio Open, an open Source template optimized for generating short audio samples, sound effects, and production assets using text prompts. Stability AI explains that Stable Audio Open allows anyone to generate up to 47 seconds of high-quality audio from a simple text prompt. His specialized training makes him ideal for creating drum beats, instrument riffs, ambient sounds, foley recordings and other audio samples for music production and sound design. Stable Audio Open models are available from Hugging Face.

Read the full article via this link.

Usbek&Rica: Open Source investigation: what new risks facing AI?

Who has never used Google to consult a friend’s profile and follow its progress, or search for information on a company before an interview? Without knowing it, you have done OSINT. This acronym refers to the collection and analysis of information from publicly accessible open sources, such as social networks and websites, in order to conduct all kinds of investigations. If OSINT has become a popular practice, accessible to all, it presents as many opportunities as new dangers.

Read the full article via this link.

Le Monde Informatique: Snowflake unveils its Polaris open Source data catalog

To differentiate itself from the competition, Snowflake decided to launch an open Source data catalog called Polaris by supporting the very popular Apache Iceberg tables. An area where other free solutions exist.

Read the full article via this link.

3DVF: 3D-Info: a free, open Source and cross-platform USD scene viewer!

The CST (Higher Technical Commission for Image and Sound) has launched 3D-Info, a tool intended to simply and effectively visualize 3D scenes. Focused on the USD format, the tool already allows you to explore scenes and will be expanded over time with new functions. (…) The tool will allow, for example, to adjust and export cameras and images, take measurements in a setting, share notes, or even play animations. It is also designed to open props, animated characters or settings. On the more technical side, it allows you to consult the hierarchy of “stage” and “layers”, notions specific to this scene composition format.

Read the full article via this link.

  • The subject interests you ? We also spoke to you of 3D in this GOODTECH article

CIO: 10 things to watch out for with open Source generative AI

Open Source generative AI models can be freely downloaded, used at scale without API call costs, and run securely behind enterprise firewalls. But don’t let your guard down. Because risks are indeed present. (…) Hugging Face currently tracks over 80,000 LLMs for text generation alone and fortunately has a table that allows you to quickly sort models based on their results on various benchmark tests. And these models, although technologically lagging behind major commercial models, are improving rapidly.

Read the full article via this link.

  • The subject interests you ? We also spoke to you open Source and AI in this GOODTECH article

Le Monde: Digital sovereignty with free software, largely absent from the campaign for Europeans in France

Digital sovereignty, which we will define as strategic autonomy for States, businesses and citizens in the digital field (software, data, hardware, infrastructure, etc.), appears under-represented in the current political debate, particularly in France. where the campaign for the European elections does not sufficiently highlight this crucial issue. This lack of attention is concerning given the growing importance of digital technologies in our society and our reliance on primarily American and Asian players.

Read the full article via this link.

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