Flaak TD, a good idea (very) poorly executed

Flaak TD, a good idea (very) poorly executed
Flaak TD, a good idea (very) poorly executed

On paper, Flaak TDdeveloped and published by Oedipe Games, revolves around an interesting subject: transposing the concept of tower defensewhere we protect an objective against increasingly aggressive and numerous enemies with defenses that gain in power and complexity, in the historical context of the Second World War. But in reality, the result is unfortunately nothing short of mediocre.

Faced with the surge of Allied planes, the player will have to strengthen the German anti-aircraft defenses by installing various artillery posts and other batteries; We will also, very often, have to choose between adding new constructions, repairing our objective to defend, or even sending a fighter to shoot down enemy aircraft.

Of course, the more opponents you destroy, the more money you accumulate, etc. Each of the levels currently offered offers 30 waves of enemy aircraft, which will gradually increase in number and power. Why change a formula that works?

What doesn’t work, however, is pretty much everything else. The controls are strangely associated with the speed of time: in “normal” mode, moving around the level map is done at a snail’s pace. On the other hand, by accelerating everything, we also increase the speed at which our point of view can change. For what?

Another problem: lack of variety. The player will have access to two types of anti-aircraft defenses: a quadruple machine gun, faster, but less effective, and a cannon, whose shells cause more damage, but which fires less quickly. If historical authenticity is respected, in a sense, the idea of ​​a game of tower defense consists of gradually unlocking certain improvements, not simply increasing the number of weapons all over the map.

We will also note the completely unregulated difficulty. After all, if we want to be faithful to what actually happened, why are our weapons so ineffective? We can thus spend several rounds amassing only a few coins, a number that is insufficient to inflate our defenses and improve our “income”.

Finally, the interface is frankly hideous: gigantic buttons, visuals that seem to come from a bad version intended for mobile devices… Which is the case, in fact. We directly transposed the phone version to Steam, without worrying about anything else.

Ugly, boring, poorly executed… Flaak TD is a complete failure. Even games like this from the days of Flash animation were more efficient and enjoyable. Absolutely avoid.


Developer and publisher: Oedipe Games

Platform: Windows (tested on Steam)

Game not available in French

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