Le Croisic. A conference on the cosmos and life, Saturday

Le Croisic. A conference on the cosmos and life, Saturday
Le Croisic. A conference on the cosmos and life, Saturday

The town of Le Croisic will offer a conference on Saturday on the history and evolution of the Universe, which began 13.7 billion years ago, and that of life on Earth which appeared around 3,000 million years ago. 8 billion years: “From the cosmos to life”.

From a work entitled From the cosmos to life (Ed. l’Archipel), Jean Audouze and Marie-Christine Maurel will transport the public in an educational way from the Big Bang, through the creation of the Earth, to the appearance ofHomo sapiens.

Born in 1940 in Cahors, Jean Audouze is a world-renowned astrophysicist for having provided one of the fundamental proofs of the Big Bang model. Now director of research emeritus at the CNRS (national center for scientific research), he recounts his first steps in research, under the direction of Hubert Reeves, at the end of the 1960s.

Propelled into the world of astrophysics somewhat by chance, he began by studying the hearts of stars. The Paris Institute of Astrophysics will be his temple for life: from a doctoral student, he emerges as its director. He will probe what he calls the invisibles: black holes, dark matter, or even dark energy, which populate the Universe.

Marie-Christine Maurel is a biologist and professor emeritus at Sorbonne – University and at the National Museum of Natural History, as well as an associate scientist at the Théâtre de la ville de Paris. She is also the author of several works concerning the origin of life.

SATURDAY 1er June,6 p.m., Jeanne-d’Arc room, free entry.



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