WhatsApp wants to put an end to unread messages once and for all. A feature expected by millions of users

WhatsApp wants to put an end to unread messages once and for all. A feature expected by millions of users
WhatsApp wants to put an end to unread messages once and for all. A feature expected by millions of users

JVTech News WhatsApp wants to put an end to unread messages once and for all. A feature expected by millions of users

Published on 05/25/2024 at 8:10 p.m.

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Meta continues to bring useful new features to WhatsApp, and one of those that seems to be planned for the coming months could be of great interest to you if you tend to accumulate unread messages.

WhatsApp is an application pampered by Meta : it must be said that this instant messaging service is used by more than 2 billion people around the world, making it an extremely popular platform. But faced with still tough competition, Mark Zuckerberg’s firm has no choice: it must regularly offer new products… And it does!

Not a week goes by without WhatsApp benefiting from something new. Sometimes it arrives through an official update. But it also happens that it is a question ofa new function available in beta : in this case, users must be patient, and hope that the testing phase confirms the usefulness of the functionality so that it arrives in production, that is to say in the general public version of WhatsApp.

The essential deletion function for WhatsApp

If you are the type to accumulate a very large number of unread messages on WhatsApp, and especially if you do not really intend to read them all, then, The feature currently being tested on the beta version of WhatsApp for Android may interest you. She was spotted by the site WABetaInfo on May 20.

Concretely, Meta is currently testing a function allowing you to clear the unread message counter each time the application is opened. This is a proposition that is of great interest if you are involved in group conversations in which the exchanges continue without you. Sometimes dozens or even hundreds of messages appear unread, which can be a Source of stress for some people.

Named “Clear unread when app opens” i.e. “Delete unread messages when opening the application”, this option can be checked in the notifications menu. This does not mean that messages will be deleted from exchanges: the deletion only concerns notifications.

When will this new feature be available?

For now, only people eligible for the WhatsApp beta program have access to this feature, present in version of the application. As usual, the experiments carried out in this way by Meta concern new features which are currently under development and which must therefore be refined before, possibly, being implemented in the standard version of the application. This may take a few weeks or even months for this action to take place, assuming that the developer confirms users’ interest in this new feature.

In the meantime, we will therefore have to continue to support a large quantity of unread messages reported in certain cases. Of course, there are worse things, but now that we know that Meta is working on a solution to do without it, we clearly can’t wait to take advantage of it!



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