Primal Atmosphere exhibition in Saint-Juéry (81) – Perfume event

Primal Atmosphere exhibition in Saint-Juéry (81) – Perfume event
Primal Atmosphere exhibition in Saint-Juéry (81) – Perfume event

May 30


2:00 p.m.

September 8


6:00 p.m.

From May 31 to September 8, come and discover an immersive exhibition on the atmosphere, at the Saut-du Tarn museum in Saint-Juéry (81).

How was the atmosphere created? How has it transformed over the years? Through plastic installations at the intersection of sounds, lights and smells, immerse yourself in the history of the atmosphere.

“Primal Atmosphere” is for everyone. It is a plastic installation that crosses arts and sciences. It depicts the smells, lights, sounds, and compositions of the gases of the first atmospheres. It immerses the visitor by crossing the states of seven decisive periods in the evolution of the atmospheres that existed on earth. It shares the knowledge gathered during exchanges between scientists and artists.
The atmosphere we know has not always existed, it only appeared some 12 million years ago. If we reduce the history of the earth to 24 hours, the history of humanity, 300,000 years old, only represents the last 5 seconds. Human life is precious and depends on the extraordinary conditions that we have disrupted in 2.5 centuries through the growth of our industrial activities. We have emitted so much CO2 in 2.5 centuries than during the last extinction on earth which lasted 700,000 years. Relearning to see the tenuous links that weave life is one of the challenges of this installation. We are looking for a shift in our gaze that would no longer flatter that of humans but would consider the multiplicity of points of view that inhabit the earthly. Making us all linked to a community of destiny.

Opening on Thursday May 30, 2023 at 6 p.m.

Free at 6€
Price of entry to the museum, reduced rates available



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