how the game Minecraft wants to become a hit film

how the game Minecraft wants to become a hit film
how the game Minecraft wants to become a hit film

Launched in 2009, Minecraft has successfully transformed itself from a small Java game for the web into a financial windfall for 300 million players. And now it will become a film.

Minecraft has long been much more than a video game. The best-selling title in the world (more than 300 million units) has video game versions (Minecraft Legends, Minecraft Dungeons), books, board games, accessories, t-shirts… and soon a film. An extended universe like a galaxy where cubes reign supreme.

However, the film will take a completely different path: that of live action, far from the “artistic” touch of the game and a potential animated feature film. “When we started the film project, knowing where we were going to go was a bit of a mystery to us,” Jens Bergensten, the creative director of Minecraft. “How were we going to tell a story from Minecraft that doesn’t really have its own story, but all the players’ stories?”

An offbeat film with its own identity

The puzzle begins for the teams from Mojang Studios, the creator of the game, involved in the project. By dint of reflection, they decide on a story “possible in Minecraft“Jared Hess, the director, and Warner Bros, with whom we collaborated, helped develop a fun, perhaps a little offbeat, story that is true to the spirit of the game while having its own identity.” , assures the one that fans nickname “Jeb”.

The video game Minecraft – Mojang

The film will focus on the adventures of a teenage girl and her friends on a mission to save the block world from destruction. The film should therefore mix real and virtual images to also stick to the spirit of Minecraft. Jason Momoa (Aquaman) will play the main role in the film. Having himself announced his participation last January, Jack Black (Rock Academy) will play Steve, a well-known character in the game, since he was present from the launch of the game in 2009 and is now one of the 9 possible character skins (appearance). We should find the other eight in the casting.

“The film is going to be a funny adventure and a little scary at times,” assures Jens Bergensten, who promises more information on the film and its story later this year. Minecraft The Movie is not due until April 4, 2025. “You have something mysterious to look forward to,” he promises.

Jason Momoa, Jack Black, Steve Carell in the cast

We have to go back to 2014 to find any trace of the idea of ​​adapting the game into a film. At the time, it was its creator Markus “Notch” Persson who spilled the beans when Microsoft was about to buy Mojang for $2.5 billion. If Warner Bros was already the announced preferred partner, the film will change potential director and casting multiple times until Hess is chosen in 2022 and brings Jason Momoa into the adventure. Steve Carell was already planned since 2016.

Jason Momoa in February 2019 – Chris Delmas – AFP

But one thing is certain: Mojang Studios wants to keep control of its baby and the project it has carried from the start. “We worked closely with Warner Bros to find the best way to tell our story and to have the best director who could bring his vision to a story he believes in,” emphasizes the creative director.

There were many discussions between the experienced producer and the game creator. “There was a lot of back and forth on what the story should be, the key elements of the game that players would want to find there, what the game should look like,” summarizes Jens Bergensten, who speaks of the need for ‘also have “crafting and adventure” in the movie in the game. “But it definitely had to look like Minecraft“.

150 million dollars budget

He does not hide the fact that balance was not easy to find in the creative process. “We are very impatient to see what the players will take away from it, what feedback we will have,” he enthused when he was back from filming.

A film to leave its mark on people’s minds, without losing its own: that’s the challenge of Minecraft. Its creative director acknowledges that Mojang closely followed the production of the film with its rumored $150 million budget. Because there is no question of doing anything with the brand, whether you are a big Hollywood production or the author of a book based on the game.

The premises of Mojang Studios in Stockholm (Sweden), the creators of Minecraft – Tech&Co

“We have a certain number of principles that we try to respect for any new project,” insists Jeb. And the first is to be accessible to everyone, whatever the level of experience or knowledge of the universe Minecraft. So you will never find anything gory, unfriendly, dangerous or anything else. When we see the cast, which also includes Jennifer Coolidge, Emma Myers and Danielle Brooks for the feminine touch, we say to ourselves that it couldn’t be otherwise.

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