The James-Webb telescope would have detected the first atmosphere around a rocky planet in another Solar System!

The James-Webb telescope would have detected the first atmosphere around a rocky planet in another Solar System!
The James-Webb telescope would have detected the first atmosphere around a rocky planet in another Solar System!

Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope recently spotted atmospheric gases surrounding 55 Cancri e, an extremely hot rocky exoplanet located 41 light-years from Earth. This discovery constitutes the most convincing evidence to date of the existence of a atmosphereatmosphere around a rocky planetrocky planet outside our Solar System. It opens new perspectives on the understanding of planets located beyond our Solar System and could help us to better characterize atmospheric conditions and the properties of super-Earthssuper-Earths hot, thus enriching our knowledge of the diversity of planets populating the Universe.

The author of the study published in the journal NatureRenyu Hu of Jet Propulsion LaboratoryJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the NASANASAemphasizes that James-Webb “ opens new horizons in the study of rocky exoplanets and offers unprecedented research opportunities “.

The James-Webb will try to unravel the secrets of the enigmatic super-earth 55 Cancri e

55 Cancri e is a super-Earth that revolves around a starstar similar to SunSunlocated in the Cancer constellationCancer constellation. Although it is classified as a super-Earth due to its size being larger than Earth but smaller than NeptuneNeptuneand probably composed of materials similar to the rocky planets of our Solar System, it is distinguished by its unique environment.

Due to its extreme proximity to its star, approximately 2.5 million kilometers away, 55 Cancri e finds itself in extreme conditions. Its surface could be mergermergercreating an ocean of magmamagma bubbling on its surface. Furthermore, due to its orbitorbit very close together, it is possible that it would be gravitationally locked, with one side always exposed to the star – which means that it would have one side perpetually in daylight and one side constantly plunged into darkness.

Since its discovery in 2011, observations have been made on 55 Cancri e. However, the question of the existence of an atmosphere remains enigmatic due to its high temperature and the intense flux of stellar radiation. Despite numerous observations since its detection in transittransit in 2011, this question remains open, with two competing theories. The first suggests the presence of a substantial atmosphere rich in volatiles such asoxygenoxygenL’nitrogennitrogen and the carbon dioxidecarbon dioxidewhile the second proposes that the planet is devoid of atmosphere, except for a thin veil of vaporized rock, composed of elements such as siliconsiliconTHE ironironL’aluminumaluminum and the calciumcalcium.

A fascinating insight into how this exoplanet’s atmosphere might be structured

As the press release points out, data collected from thermal temperature measurements suggests that a volatile-rich atmosphere may be present around the planet, influencing the distribution of heatheat and the patterns observed. Instruments MiriMiri And NIRCamNIRCam on board of space telescopespace telescope revealed temperatures of 1,540 degrees, lower than would be expected in the absence of an atmosphere, that is, if the planet was covered only in molten rock or if it had no atmosphere.

Observations suggesting the presence of carbon monoxidecarbon monoxide or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of 55 Cancri e open the way to a better understanding of its atmospheric composition and its functioning. Additionally, the ongoing process of regeneration of the atmosphere by the planet’s magma ocean, containing a variety of dissolved gases and materials, highlights the complex dynamics of this world exoticexotic. In addition to carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, the possibility of the presence of other gases, such as nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide sulfursulfurvaporized rock and even cloudsclouds tiny droplets of washwash condensed arouse the interest of researchers.

Although 55 Cancri e is too hot to be habitable, scientists believe it offers a unique opportunity to study and better understand the complex interactions between the atmospheres, surfaces and interiors of rocky planets.

Better understand the history of Earth, Venus and Mars

The unique characteristics of this exoplanet provide a natural laboratory for studying key processes that may have played a role in the evolution of our Solar System and Earth in particular, during its early stages of formation, but also of VenusVenus and Mars, when they were covered by oceans of magma. By studying planets like 55 Cancri e, which have experienced extreme conditions such as magma oceans, scientists can gain crucial information about the geological, atmospheric and thermal mechanisms that govern these worlds. Understanding these conditions is key to determining what might make a rocky planet habitable.

This in-depth understanding of the processes at play on such planets can inform our knowledge of the conditions necessary for habitability andemergenceemergence of life on rocky planets.



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