Someone bombed Phil Spencer’s camp in Fallout 76

Someone bombed Phil Spencer’s camp in Fallout 76
Someone bombed Phil Spencer’s camp in Fallout 76

Someone probably wanted to set the world on fire (this is a reference to falloutThat) and bombed the virtual camp of Xbox boss Phil Spencer.

A user on X noticed on Wednesday that the camp of Phil Spencer, boss of Xbox and Microsoft Gaming, had been “nuked” in the game Fallout 76.

The manager, @real1090jake, quickly tagged himself in the comments, writing “guilty” with a shrugging emoji. He even shared footage of his gameplay, as well as a screenshot of Spencer’s character, P3, greeting him.

Let’s talk a little about Phil Spencer. In the gaming world, he is not normally seen as a villain. As indicated PC Gaming, he’s a big gamer and adds fans to his Xbox friends list so they can see what he’s playing. He gives the impression of being a player like us!

That positive image of Spencer is a little different these days, though. Xbox is heavily criticized on the Web, in particular for having closed many popular studios such as Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks. The company also laid off approximately 1,900 employees at Activision Blizzard in January. And this came shortly after Microsoft was valued at $2.9 trillion. We could therefore say that Phil Spencer is a little less chummy-chummy with the players these days.

It wasn’t for militant reasons, however, that @real1090jake blew up Spencer’s space in Fallout 76. In interview with Kotakuhe said he saw a bit of Phil’s character in Fallout 76 as the “final boss” of the game, nothing more. The player indicated that it had been in his plans for a long time, and that he has nothing against Phil.

Regardless of the player’s intentions, Internet users decided to celebrate his gesture. “Good work, soldier”, “Thank you for your service”, “A democratic moment”, “A goat”, “Legendary”, can we read in the responses on P3.

The player ended his interview by saying “Phil is cool and Fallout 76 is cool.” So all’s well that ends well. But, it should have received an Xbox success (achievement), in my opinion.



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