Forge: Overview of the 4 specializations in The War Within – World of Warcraft

After discovering the new recipes for the Forge in The War Within, let’s take a closer look at the specializations of this profession so dear to many World of Warcraft players.

If you have experienced Dragonflight, you will be on familiar ground. There are four specializations:

  1. Armor crafting : 345 knowledge points
  2. Evergreen Forge : 100 knowledge points
  3. Production methods : 240 knowledge points
  4. Weapon manufacturing : 180 knowledge points

In total, you will need 865 crafting knowledge points.

1. Armor Crafting

Armor Crafting improves your ability to craft various pieces of plate armor and shields. Gradually, you can choose to specialize in large pieces (torso, legs, shield), sculpted pieces (head, shoulders, feet) or smaller armor (waist, wrists, hands).

Each time, you can specialize in a subcategory. A blacksmith who decides to specialize in large pieces may thus choose to concentrate, initially at least, on torso pieces. The main categories require 30 crafting knowledge points, while the subcategories are limited to 25 points.

The more points you place, the more you improve your skill level. In the subcategories, you will also unlock new recipes as well as the use of finishing components.

2. Evergreen Forge

Evergreen Smithing is a specialization that improves your blacksmithing abilities more generally. By spending your knowledge points, you receive bonuses to inventiveness, multiple crafting and ingenuity. It also seems that Evergreen Forge charges regenerate more quickly as you specialize, but I don’t know exactly what that concerns.

The three subcategories allow you to increase the following stats:

  • Creative anticipation: inventiveness
  • Demanding discipline: ingenuity
  • Dignity of the forge: multiple manufacturing


3. Means of production

This time, we are taking a close look at consumables and professional equipment.

Among the categories you can select is trade equipment itself, for which you can sub-specialize in tools or accessories.

Next, there are consumables that temporarily increase the power of your weapons and tools of the trade. On this side, you can push the concept further by specifically pointing out weapon stones or trade tools.

Finally, you can choose to go with finishing components and alloys globally or really specialize in one of these subcategories.

We find new recipes here and there, and you will inevitably end up having everything after a few months of play.


4. Weapon manufacturing

It’s similar to crafting armor, in that this specialization allows you to craft better metal weapons and tools.

Two categories are open to you:

  • Blades: improvement of blades and tools.
  • Weapons with handles: improvement of axes, maces and polearms.

As you earn points, you will unlock optional components for these weapon types, gain skill points and unlock sub-specializations.

If you choose Blades, you can specialize in short blades (tools, knives, daggers, pugilism weapons) or long blades (swords, glaives). If you choose the hafted weapons, you can choose maces or axes/polearms.




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