His message of support for Kamala Harris causes a spike in connections on the voting platform

His message of support for Kamala Harris causes a spike in connections on the voting platform

The Vote.org website, which helps people register for the November U.S. presidential election, saw more than 337,000 new visits after Swift’s post.

Two months before a highly polarized election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, American singer Taylor Swift has made her choice. The star officially announced her support for Democrat Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 11, in an Instagram post, a few minutes after the debate between the two candidates.

“It’s up to you to do your research”

Less than 24 hours after her post, liked more than 10 million times, the “Taylor Swift effect” is no longer in doubt. According to the General Services Administration interviewed by NBC News, on September 11 at 9 p.m. (French time), more than 337,000 people had clicked on the URL shared by Taylor Swift on Instagram when she announced her support for the candidate. This link redirects Internet users to vote.org, a site that helps users register to vote in their state.

In her message, the star explains that she is voting for Kamala Harris “because she fights for the rights and causes that, according to [elle]need a warrior.” “I think she’s a gifted and strong leader,” she says. The singer of Shake it off also returned to the fake images shared by Donald Trump to make people believe that she supported him, explaining that this had reawakened her fears about AI.

“I did my research and I made my choice,” she added. “It’s up to you to do your research and make your choice. I also want to say, especially to new voters: Remember, in order to vote, you have to be registered.”

This is not the first time that Taylor Swift has called on her fans to go vote. In 2018, for the elections in the state of Tennessee, the singer had already taken the side of the Democrats. The Vote.org platform had then seen 250,000 new registrations, barely three days after her declarations.


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