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Michel Platini joins the “socios” of Nancy

Michel Platini, former iconic playmaker of the French team and former Nancy player in the 1970s, has become a member of the “Socios Nancy” group, announced Tuesday the supporters’ association which supports the club currently in the National league.

“We are happy and proud to announce that our association has very recently received the most prestigious membership there is: that of Michel Platini,” the association states on its website. “In addition to the immense honor it represents for all of us, this membership validates our approach and demonstrates that the Socios project, in Nancy as in many cities, is part of the future of French football,” continues the association, created in 2012.

Upcoming fundraiser

The aim of this is to “take a stake in the capital of the Société Anonyme Sportive Professionnelle (SASP) Nancy Lorraine in order to encourage the participation of as many people as possible in the life and development of the club”, as it states on its website.

“Socios Nancy” aims to create a company, in a legal form to be defined, which will allow it to negotiate with the club an entry into the capital. “There is no doubt that the membership of Michel Platini will help us considerably in this task”, estimate the leaders of the association. The former star player of the Blues, aged 69, wore the colours of Nancy from 1972 to 1979.

“Our association has around 230 members and we’ve had around fifty new members since yesterday evening alone, so there’s clearly a Platini effect,” rejoiced Olivier Burger, the president of “Socios Nancy”. He specified that the association has not yet launched a fundraiser, which it plans to do at the end of the year: “Fundraising is often done in an emergency, but we are anticipating to respond to all scenarios: either helping the club, or participating in the buyout of the club, or in the worst case to be able to help the club get back on its feet as quickly as possible if there is a bankruptcy. We will launch the collection in the coming months”. After three days, Nancy is fourth in National with one win and two draws.

Led by Jacques Rousselot from 1994, the Nancy club was sold in December 2020 to the American group Partners Path Capital to experience a long descent until being administratively relegated to National 3 in June 2023, before finally being drafted into National a month later.

Last year, Sochaux supporters also created a socios group, the “Sociochaux”, which brings together 11,000 members and collected nearly 800,000 euros to help save the club, which also plays in the National League. They have a representative on the board of directors. Supporters of Bordeaux, now dropped to National 2, also recently created a socios group.

- RMC Sport


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