DayFR Euro

Kevin De Bruyne and his legendary phlegm caused general hilarity: “I know I will be looked at even more” – All football

Do you know what could upset Kevin De Bruyne? No ? Well, neither do we. In a crowded press room where almost all European media had sent a representative, the captain responded with his usual phlegm… and caused general hilarity.

The day before a match, it is generally the captain who accompanies the coach to a press conference. Kevin De Bruyne therefore took part in the game this Sunday in the aisles of the Frankfurt stadium.

In a press room crowded with journalists from the four corners of Europe, De Bruyne maintained his legendary composure. The Manchester City player did not respond once without raising his shoulders. His characteristic style… and quite amusing, actually.

The phlegm of Kevin De Bruyne, in all circumstances

One of the first questions asked was. “Qatar was a down, how motivated are the older players to fix that?” First shrug from Kevin De Bruyne. “Qatar is over. Whether they are good or bad memories, we can no longer change anything. It was almost two years ago. We are entering a new competition, with a new coach, and a half new team There’s no point dwelling on that, the current core is good and everyone is ready to get going.”

Second question, same bodily reaction. “A lot has been written about your state of mind and how you feel good about yourself. Is that true?” De Bruyne: “There’s always more written about me. And with the arrival of new young players, I’ll be looked at even more. People are really trying to get to the bottom of things, but you know, I’m getting older and I’m not idiot. I really don’t care what’s written, as long as I’m having fun.”

I was never afraid of not getting back to my best level.”

Question 3, third shrug, same style. “We saw your scar this week and we were a little bit shocked. Were you too? Were you shocked by the size? And were you worried about whether you would ever get back to your best?”

“No, no and no! (general hilarity). Of course, we don’t know in advance how big it will be, but the scar is what it is. I was never afraid of not coming back, It’s never been on my mind. And no, I don’t worry easily.”

Kevin De Bruyne will never change. And that’s ultimately very, very good.


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