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Martin St-Louis mentally affected: the revelations of Stéphane Waite

Martin St-Louis, usually unshakeable, this time seems deeply affected by the series of events that hit the Canadian.

According to former goalkeeping coach Stéphane Waite, we have rarely seen the Montreal coach so destabilized.

“It changes a lot of things and a lot of plans”Waite said on 98.5 FM, emphasizing that the loss of Patrik Laine puts a lot of pressure on St-Louis’ shoulders.

“We talked about being in the mix at the start of the season, but only if our key players stay healthy. If you lose large pieces, it becomes difficult. »

The observation is bitter. For one of the very rare times, Martin St-Louis seems truly overwhelmed by the situation.

Waite, who knows the behind-the-scenes of the CH locker room well, did not hesitate to point out the coach’s attitude after the defeat against the Maple Leafs:

“I felt Martin St-Louis, for one of the very rare times, destabilized.”

“We saw Martin looking like, ‘Oh my god, what’s going on here?’ »

Waite, who doesn’t hold his tongue in his pocket, pointed out that after the press conference, St-Louis did not look like the serene coach we know.

“I didn’t feel it like I usually do”he adds, an observation which says a lot about the coach’s state of mind.

Stéphane Waite is not content with innocuous remarks. His words are a real blow to St-Louis, which, according to him, must quickly regain control:

“From tomorrow, we have to move on. He’s hurt, no matter how it happened. We have to move on. And that starts with the coach. »

“Because you don’t want the players to use that as an excuse to say: ‘Ah, but we’re not having a good start to the season or we’re not lucky.’”

This last comment is loaded with meaning: Waite implies that if St. Louis is not able to overcome this blow, he risks dragging the team with him into turmoil.

Waite, who had already openly criticized the coaching staff, is not his first outburst. We remember that the former goalie coach did not hesitate to question St-Louis’ skills behind an NHL bench.

The criticism was scathing, even humiliating. He had been merciless with his words by comparing the management of St. Louis to that of a “pee-wee coach”.

In a particularly virulent statement, Waite even insinuated that the coaches were overwhelmed:

“Sometimes I have the impression that the coaches are lost. Nothing gets better. It’s not a matter of talent, playing well defensively, it’s a matter of commitment, and the players are not committed. »

He went even further to suggest that players might not even understand what was expected of them:

“If we don’t have this commitment, it’s perhaps because the players don’t know what to do. »

These public statements, coming from someone who knows hockey in Montreal so well, cast a shadow over the future of Martin St-Louis.

Waite, by pointing out the apparent lack of commitment of the players and the defensive flaws, seems to be saying out loud what many are thinking: is St. Louis really up to the task?

After all, these criticisms come in addition to those of Michel Therrien, who, in another resounding outing, described St-Louis as a “bantam coach”.

Behind the scenes, tensions are rising, and fans will be less forgiving with St-Louis this season.

On social networks, many are expressing doubts about how St. Louis will navigate through this storm.

The tide is turning for St-Louis, and although his contract runs until 2025, the pressure is intensifying.

Is he in danger if the CH is still found in the cellar?

This is the question that hangs over the Bell Centre. Another series of poor results in 2024-2025 could well precipitate his departure.

Stéphane Waite, true to form, has once again added fuel to the fire, and this time, St-Louis seems to be on the edge of the precipice.

Is this the beginning of the end for the man some fans are already starting to call “the pee-wee coach”?

One thing is certain, the 2024-2025 season will be more difficult in the eyes of the public, both for the team and for Martin St-Louis.

Obviously, his contract valid until 2027 protects him, as well as the fact that management does not expect to make the playoffs.

But if the CH does not manage to improve in the ranking, questions will rain on the head of Martin St-Louis.

As Yanick Bouchard says so well, the players and the coach cannot use Laine’s absence as an excuse. After all, he never really played for CH until his injury.

“I understand that this is a hard blow for Canadians. You’re back to square one from last year where you have less depth on your second line.” (credit: 98.5 FM)

“But the season hasn’t started yet. There are two preparatory matches left. The players have to pull themselves together. The players have to get their act together and the players have to look forward and say to themselves: ‘OK , he’s not there.”

“It’s not like he’s been here for five years and scored 45 goals a season…”

It’s time to move on and stop hiding behind the team’s misfortunes.

The time for lamentation is over. For Martin St-Louis and his troops, the time has come to prove that they can overcome adversity and fight with what they have.

At some point, we can understand the concept of reconstruction, but if we constantly hide behind excuses, we fall into a dangerous vicious circle.

It’s up to Martin St-Louis to raise his head. Because he simply cannot appear in front of the media looking so dejected.

The players will collapse with him.


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