Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron, follow our live political news

Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron, follow our live political news

From Aix-en-Provence, where he is due to speak to students, Bernard Cazeneuve spoke about the current political situation, he whose name has been circulating and who was received by Emmanuel Macron. After praising the “qualities and experience” of Michel Barnier, whose name has been circulating heavily in recent hours, he returned to the general political situation.

“The French want a new direction for the country’s policy. We cannot act as if nothing had happened and everything could continue as before,” he argued, before calling for a dialogue between parliament and trade union organisations on the issues of “pensions, purchasing power, public services”.

The issues on which the future government must commit itself according to him, that the “republican order, the principle of living together and the values ​​of the Republic are reaffirmed”, and achieve an ecological transition “without decline”.

Asked about the possibility of becoming Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve recalled that he was “not asking for anything”, but “ready to assume (his) responsibilities if he was entrusted with them, out of duty”. While his name has been circulating as a possible Prime Minister, the idea that he would be censored quickly would have put an end to this rumor.

“The best way to find out (if his government has been censored, editor’s note) is to appoint the Prime Minister and let him do his job,” he commented, addressing Emmanuel Macron.


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