AS FAR is preparing to part with certain players and recruit others during this winter transfer window in order to strengthen its squad and meet the expectations of supporters
According to a source from Le Site info, certain players from Raja de Casablanca, who would be leaving, are in the sights of the military club. “The leaders of AS FAR are closely monitoring certain key RCA players before taking action, taking advantage of the complicated situation among the Greens to acquire elements capable of bringing added value to the team” , we explain.
Our source, however, refused to reveal the names of the players concerned. “AS FAR seeks to seize opportunities to consolidate its workforce. A legitimate right for any team aspiring to have the best group in order to win titles,” she said.
Recall that the Raja announced the holding of an extraordinary general assembly on February 5, during which the current director office will submit its resignation and a commission will be appointed to manage current affairs.
At this meeting, the current board of directors will submit their resignation and a commission will be set up to manage the affairs of the club until the next ordinary general meeting, where a new president will be elected.
-The date of this assembly has sparked some debate within Rajaoui circles, because the current president, Adil Hala, will remain in charge during the winter transfer window, which ends on January 30.