Unexplained giant heat source detected on the far side of the moon by scientists

Unexplained giant heat source detected on the far side of the moon by scientists
Unexplained giant heat source detected on the far side of the moon by scientists

A surprising discovery has shaken our understanding of the Moon. Scientists have detected a mysterious heat source on its hidden side. This thermal anomaly raises many questions about the composition and geological history of our natural satellite. What is this unexpected heat hiding?

The Moon, our faithful celestial companion, never ceases to surprise us. Recently, a team of researchers shed light on an intriguing phenomenon on its hidden side. This discovery calls into question our current knowledge of the composition of our satellite and opens new perspectives on its geological evolution.

An unexpected thermal anomaly

Scientists have spotted an abnormally hot area buried beneath the moon’s surface. This region, approximately 50 kilometers in diameter, has a temperature 10 degrees Celsius higher than its immediate surroundings. This thermal difference, although modest in appearance, is significant enough to intrigue experts.

The origin of this mysterious heat seems to be linked to the presence of an enormous block of granite. This type of rock, common on Earth, is rarely observed in large quantities on other celestial bodies. Its discovery on the Moon therefore raises many questions about the geological processes that shaped our satellite.

An ancient lunar volcano as a potential source

The researchers hypothesize that this anomalies thermal could be the vestige of ancient volcanic activity. A volcano extinct for around 3.5 billion years would be the origin of this phenomenon. Although the eruption has long since stopped, the magma residual, trapped beneath the surface, would continue to emit detectable thermal radiation.

This discovery is all the more exciting because it reveals unexpected similarities between the Earth and the Moon. Matt Siegler, principal investigator of the study, emphasizes:

« This phenomenon is closer to what we observe on Earth than what we imagined possible on the Moon, which nevertheless lacks water and plate tectonicscrucial elements for the formation of terrestrial granite”.


Innovative techniques to unlock lunar secrets

To detect this thermal anomaly, scientists used an innovative method based on microwave analysis. This technique allowed them to measure temperatures under the lunar surface with unprecedented precision. The data was collected thanks to several space missions:

  • Chinese lunar orbiters Chang’E 1 and 2;
  • NASA’s Lunar Prospector
  • The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from NASA.

This international collaboration and use of cutting-edge technologies illustrate the importance of scientific cooperation in space exploration.

The presence of granite on the Moon could reform our understanding of its geological history. On Earth, granite generally forms under specific conditions, involving the presence of water and movements tectonics. However, these elements are absent on the Moon.

This discovery could therefore lead us to rethink the mechanisms of rock formation in extraterrestrial environments. It also opens new perspectives on the geological evolution of celestial bodies devoid ofatmosphere and water liquid on the surface.

The results of this exciting study were published in the prestigious journal Naturetestifying to the importance of this discovery for the scientific community. Researchers continue their investigations to unravel all the mysteries of this enigmatic heat on the hidden side of the Moon.



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