The year 2025 means change for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. While the couple would have decided to separate professionally, Archie and Lilibet's mother made her comeback on Instagram. On Wednesday January 1, she unveiled her new account, simply titled “Meghan”. To inaugurate her return to social networks, the Duchess of Sussex published a first video. Presumably filmed by Prince Harry, it shows the 43-year-old on a beach in California. Dressed all in white, Meghan Markle appears smiling and tracing “2025” on the sand. Enough to portend many projects for this new year.
Meghan Markle is the subject of divorce rumors
For several months, Meghan Markle has been at the heart of rumors about a potential separation from Prince Harry. A detail on his Instagram account has also reinforced the suspicions of certain fans. Indeed, as revealed by Mirrorits name initially included the simple mention “Meghan”. It was later changed to “Meghan, Duchess of Sussex”, in description. For those in the know, the absence of “'The', before 'Duchess of Sussex' means she is divorced”. A detail which would effectively show that Meghan Markle is no longer with Prince Harry. To argue their thesis, fans took the example of Sarah Ferguson, who is called “Duchesse d’York” and not “The Duchess of York” (…)
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