Airvault. Two meetings offered by the sociocultural center

Airvault. Two meetings offered by the sociocultural center
Airvault. Two meetings offered by the sociocultural center

The socio-cultural center is offering the last games evening of the year 2024 with a meeting on Friday December 13 from 6 p.m. at the children’s center.

Game night

Sophie Bâcle, family representative at the CSC, says: “ It’s a moment of sharing around games. Board and card games will be available for young and old.

“Those who wish can bring their own games. It’s free and open to all! » The public can bring a meal out of the basket.

Coffee debate

The CSC also offers, in partnership with the La Poulie association, a café debate which will take place on Tuesday December 17 at 8:30 p.m. at the Youth Animation Point. Stéphane Ayrault, director of the CSC, specifies: “ The subject of the debate will be: does consuming produce waste? The mediator will be Violaine Baudon, circular economy project manager. » She is responsible for the Recto Verso association, a network which takes care of businesses in Deux-Sèvres and the communities of communes of Bocage Bressuirais and Thouarsais.

The network supports companies around environmental themes: waste, energy and mobility.

Violaine Baudon explains: “ We have around sixty industrial companies that join the network.

“My role is to lead the entire Bressuirais bocage sector, going from Mauléon to Moncoutant. »

She will be present to host and manage the debate at Airvault.

Contact for these two events: tel. 05 49 64 73 10.




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