“I see my country differently”, Marion Navarro, former Miss Franche-Comté, takes to the catwalks once again

“I see my country differently”, Marion Navarro, former Miss Franche-Comté, takes to the catwalks once again
“I see my country differently”, Marion Navarro, former Miss Franche-Comté, takes to the catwalks once again

She will be present on the Tour de France route for 20 days. Marion Navarro, former Miss Franche-Comté and 2nd runner-up to Miss France 2023, is taking part in this event for the second year in a row. Her role: to welcome guests and hand over the yellow jersey.

Here we go again. Marion Navarro, former Miss Franche-Comté and 2nd runner-up to Miss France 2023, is taking part in the Tour de France in 2024. Aged 21, the young woman had already taken part in the sporting event last year. “It was a great experience and it was only natural that we decided to go back together this year with the team,” confides the final year student at the international fashion school in Paris.

The one who comes from Baume-les-Dames (Doubs) shows a particular attachment to this event: “I like it because it’s a popular, general public event. It’s a change from the Cannes Film Festival or Fashion Week and the events organized in beautiful Parisian apartments. It allows you to return to reality.”.

Presentation of the yellow jersey in 2023 by Marion Navarro.

© photo provided by Marion Navarro

Marion will participate in the Tour de France for 20 days. She will not be present for the stages taking place in Italy, but the young woman will arrive on Tuesday evening, July 2 at the border to take part in the stages taking place in France. She will accompany the cyclists until their scheduled arrival in Nice.

Common values ​​according to her with Miss France

But what exactly will its role be? “A typical day, in the morning, we arrive at the starting village and welcome the guests. We explain to them how it will happen and then we leave before the riders to go to the finish. There, we take care of the guests and then there is the podium protocol with the yellow jersey”, she says.

If this event is particularly close to her heart, it is because cycling and Miss France have common values, believes the Comtoise: “surpassing oneself”, “kindness”. And especially “The fact that there is only one who reaches the end, but that it is still a team effort, it has a similarity with Miss France”.

This sporting competition also allows him to rediscover his country, France. “We cross France and I see it differently, it’s nice”. The media aspect of the event also pleases her a lot. Accustomed to communication work, the Franche-Comté native is in her element, “It remains an image, a representation”.

Will she participate again next year? Nothing less certain. “It will depend on my schedule. It’s hard to predict the following year, but if I have nothing, it will be with pleasure,” she smiled.

READ ALSO : Miss France 2023. “Marion, she’s something”: who is Marion Navarro, the Miss Franche-Comté candidate?

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