Seventy years of football, it was a party at Galan FC

Seventy years of football, it was a party at Galan FC
Seventy years of football, it was a party at Galan FC

In the bastide, football was born in 1954, from a challenge launched by teenagers from the neighbouring village of Campuzan to those from Galan. This is how the first match took place, on a field, summarily transformed into a football pitch. Although having an “experienced” team, the Campuzanais, too sure of themselves, bowed out to a completely novice and hastily put together Galanais team. “There were people, atmosphere and noise” recalls our witness Jean Dubarry. The mayor and general councillor at the time, Georges Sabatier, found the experiment interesting and proposed to continue it. A second match was organised against the Garaison team. It was on that day that the club (then Foyer rural), whose friends had Toulouse ties, found its colours thanks to the generosity of the rugby players from Stade Toulousain who offered it red and black jerseys, of course. The future Galan FC was born and it was Raymond Erraçarret, a teacher in Galan and former mayor of Tarbes, and Georges Sabatier who brought it to the baptismal font. Matches followed matches and soon the desire to participate in the Hautes-Pyrénées district championship was imposed. This was done in 1955. Then, the need for a stadium became pressing. In 1961, Galan FC moved into its stadium named “Georges-Sabatier”, the name of the early supporter.

At the end of June, a day of friendship and reunions brought together all those who participated in writing the history of Galan FC. Sadly, many of these pioneers have now passed away; however, no one here has forgotten them. Their memory was often evoked during this anniversary day made up of shared conversations while tasting the grilled meats prepared by the club’s master chefs.



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