Mbappé – PSG: Real Madrid’s masterstroke!

Mbappé – PSG: Real Madrid’s masterstroke!
Mbappé – PSG: Real Madrid’s masterstroke!

Foot – Market – PSG

Mbappé – PSG: Real Madrid’s masterstroke!

Published on June 30, 2024 at 10:45 p.m.

Real Madrid is certainly already holding THE big blow of the transfer window. The Madrid club got their hands on Kylian Mbappé, at the end of his contract with PSG. The captain of the France team will arrive in the Spanish capital after Euro 2024. The Merengue leaders also believe they have achieved a masterstroke with the 25-year-old star.

The Real Madrid has already completed what some are announcing as THE big move of the transfer window. The Madrid club managed to get their hands on Kylian Mbappé after seven years of waiting. The 25-year-old star, at the end of his contract with the PSGwill disembark free in the Spanish capital after theEuro 2024. The White House also rubs his hands after such a blow.

Real Madrid are jubilant for Mbappé…

As reported BRANDthe Real Madrid believes he has achieved a masterstroke by snatching Kylian Mbappé au PSGThe capital club is one of the most influential in Europe, and the Merengue managed to take what some consider to be the best player in the world from the Parisians. The Madrid leaders would thus congratulate themselves on having achieved such a coup for €0.

…who wants to follow in the footsteps of Cristiano Ronaldo

It remains to be seen whether Kylian Mbappé will be able to adapt quickly to his new club. And above all it will be necessary for the captain of theFrench team quickly rises to the occasion. For example, Eden Hazard had never managed to show himself in his best light to Real Madrid. It remains to be seen whether the French international will avoid the pitfalls to establish himself and follow in the footsteps of a certain Cristiano Ronaldo.



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