Lefevere back on track after Hirt crashes in stage 1

Mathieu Warnier, Media365, published on Sunday June 30, 2024 at 11:35 p.m.

After the fall suffered by his rider Jan Hirt this Saturday before the 1st stage of the Tour de France, the boss of the Soudal-Quick Step team Patrick Lefevere strongly criticized the organizers of the event for the lack of excuses.

Patrick Lefevere had a message to convey. This Saturday, before the start of the 1st stage of the Tour de France in Florence, its rider Jan Hirt was the victim of a heavy fall caused by a spectator’s backpack. Interviewed by the Dutch-speaking Belgian channel Sporzathe boss of the Soudal-Quick Step team did not mince his words. “What happened is unacceptable,” he thundered. “We have so many rules and we have to pay for everything. Then the accident happens with this stupid spectator and his backpack.” Beyond the incident, it was its management by the organizers of the Tour de France that angered the tempestuous Belgian leader. “No, ASO did not apologize,” he said. “But they must have at least read my message on social networks, right? I saw people looking sad at the hotel but I don’t care. We didn’t get an apology.” Despite breaking three teeth in the incident, Jan Hirt did not miss the start of the Tour de France, even if he had to ride the entire first stage in trying conditions. “Yesterday (Saturday), during the stage, he couldn’t eat, not even gels,” said Patrick Lefevere. “He survived the whole stage only with bottles of water.”

Hirt regrets jet safety

In order to resolve the problem, the boss of the Soudal-Quick Step team made the necessary arrangements so that his rider could receive treatment and be able to leave this Sunday in Cesenatico. “I arranged for him to be treated yesterday (Saturday) in a private clinic,” he added. “Fortunately, he was able to return to the hotel in the evening with three repaired teeth.” Interviewed by Cyclingnews before the start of the 2nd stage, Jan Hirt assured that “the dentist did an incredible job” while he did not waste any time this Saturday once he crossed the finish line. “We went straight to see him,” confided the Czech runner. We spent two hours there yesterday (Saturday) evening but it’s much better now. » While he admits that “security has improved”, Jan Hirt regrets that this is done in reaction instead of anticipating situations. “I’m obviously unhappy, it was really boring but life goes on,” he concluded. The Soudal-Quick Step team rider was able to finish the 2nd stage in a difficult situation, in a group having crossed the line 20 minutes after Kévin Vauquelin, solo winner in the streets of Bologna after a long breakaway.



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