Wrestling – Gris Bordeaux-Ama Baldé, this Sunday at the national arena: the challenge of rehabilitation

Gris Bordeaux and Ama Baldé will deliver a merciless duel this Sunday, June 30, at the national arena. Another intergenerational clash that will once again keep the arena in suspense given the stakes it involves for the two mastodons. The Tiger of Fass will be at a turning point in his career. He will seek to sign a winning return to restore his reputation after a diet of nine good years without the slightest victory. While the Pikinois champion will try to relaunch himself after his resounding failure in the royal fight that opposed him to Modou Lo last November.

The arena will still be in turmoil with the gala organized this Sunday at the national arena by Al Bourakh Event with, as the headliner, the shock fight that will oppose Ama Baldé of the Falaye Baldé stable of Pikine to Gris Bordeaux of Fass-Ndakarou. A clash with high stakes for the two heavyweights of the restricted circle of VIPs or tenors of the arena. The leader of the Fass stable is approaching a crucial turning point in his wrestling career after having remained several seasons without the slightest victory to his credit. The last success of the Fassois dates back to May 2015. Ironically, it was against the Pikine champion Mohamed Ndao Tyson (Buul Faalé stable). Nine years of diet is undoubtedly an eternity for a wrestler of his caliber who, it must be emphasized, was inducted as the 3rd Tiger of Fass with all the symbolism that it brings to the supporters of this big Dakar stable.

Gris Bordeaux knows that he is eagerly awaited and he will have the imperative obligation to impose himself and restore his image tarnished by this succession of setbacks.

Youth facing experience

For this new challenge, he will still have the advantage of his long experience in the practice of wrestling. In short, experience. Assets to which must be added the good technical foundation that he is known for in pure wrestling that he combines with his great qualities in boxing and brawling. However, we must wonder if the Tiger still retains this striking force and still this speed that he has always used to pounce on his opponents and knock them down. As he had to demonstrate against wrestlers like Lac de Guiers 1, Eumeu Sène, Bombardier, Baye Mandione to name only these few champions that he had to knock down. Nothing is less certain. On the momentum of his fight, we know that Gris Bordeaux has stuck to his certainties and dismisses the argument of age that some oppose to him today. “Youth does not exist in sport. Age is not too important in what we do. It’s all about healthy living, training and recovery. You can be 10 years older than someone and still be physically stronger than them. I’m better than Ama Baldé in pure wrestling. A fight can’t overwhelm me. I feel good, after good preparation. I’m going to focus on concentration and recovery. I already know how to approach this fight, even if I came to the stadium alone,” he replied. “I know Ama, I also know his strengths and weaknesses. I can’t approach a fight without starting with a fight. It’s one of my strong points, I can’t change it. I want Ama to come to me when the referee blows the whistle,” he said, during the last face-to-face with Ama Baldé. If he can’t claim the experience of the Fassois, Ama Baldé has nothing to envy any of the wrestlers. With his popularity, his explosiveness and his aggressiveness, the son of the former champion Falaye Baldé has solid arguments in both wrestling and fighting. He managed to demonstrate this against formidable opponents of the caliber of Malick Ndiaye, but also in front of Tapha Tine. Ama Baldé will also attack this fight under the sign of rehabilitation. Since he has not won since 2018 during his fight against Fassois Papa Sow. His attempt at a comeback ended in a stinging defeat against Modou Lô on November 5. Confident and determined, the wrestler from Pikine aspires to reconnect with victory at all costs. An objective that he strongly expressed during his first verbal jousts with his opponent. “I’m not going to wait for Gris Bordeaux, I’m going to walk on him at the referee’s whistle. Why stay put when we’ve been training hard for months? We’re going to fight, that’s for sure… I’m going to attack him when the referee blows his whistle. I’m not going to calculate, I’m even ready to receive his blows. I’m not afraid of anything, even less of Gris Bordeaux. He said he’s more physically ready and that he’s stronger. I’m going to go get him and attack him. If he stays where he is or if he comes, we’ll cross paths,” he promised.

Towards a promising Guy Gui-Ada Fass

As a prelude to its headliner, the Albourakh Event gala will be enriched by other fights which promise to be just as thrilling. The most anticipated will pit Gouy Gui (Mor Fadam stable) against Ada Fass (Fass). The other fights will pit Zoss against Liss Ndiago, Tapha Gueye 2 against Papa Boy Djiné alias “Madji Madji 2”, Gakou 2 against Boul Laal, Ndigeul against Armée, Papa Bari Bari against Bou Siteu.




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