Aurore Pernollet will have to sprint more often in Cottbus – News

Aurore Pernollet will have to sprint more often in Cottbus – News
Aurore Pernollet will have to sprint more often in Cottbus – News

Aurore Pernollet was at the start of the French Road Championship on Saturday in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles and she is entered this Saturday in the Classic of Val de Morteau in the Coupe de France N1. The member of Lanester Women Morbihan still has some freshness at mid-season since her start to the season was delayed.I had hip surgery in December, I had to calm things down in wintershe reminds DirectVelo. I resumed in February quietly“. A few weeks after her recovery, she returned to the road but also to the track for a training camp in April.”I was able to compete in the French Espoirs Championship, I felt that the sensations were gradually returning“. She thus ranked 11th in the time trial and 18th in the road race in Altkirch, at the beginning of May. She also returned to the Coupe de France N1 in Loudun where she ranked 16th and will return to the races UCI with the Perigord Ladies.It’s important to prove yourself at this level.“.

But Aurore Pernollet is preparing another objective, on the track this time, the European U21 Championship with Clémence Chéreau. They will both represent the French team in the Women’s Espoirs. “We already have the Madison pairshe smiled. We’re going there for a medal and a jersey. It’s a big goal“. The Championship will take place from July 9 to 14, on the open-air velodrome in Cottbus. The gray track of the former GDR is made of cement and is 333.33 meters long. “In May, we went for an internship in Bourges for work more focused on the peloton. We took the opportunity to go for a day to Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel to get some bearings on a similar track“. Going from 250 meters on the floor to 333.33 on the cement also changes the format of the races.”There will be more sprints and in the elimination there will be one eliminated every round“. Indeed for the American, there will be a sprint every five laps instead of every ten laps over a 250 meters.

The Haute-Savoyarde will not be out of place on concrete.We are used to the regional championships taking place in Eybens or Lyon.“, she recalls. Aged 20, Aurore Pernollet is part of the Los Angeles 2028 generation but also of the Super World Championship which will take place in Haute-Savoie in 2027, except for the track (read here) “I was disappointed that the project did not happen. Cyclists and many locals were waiting for this velodrome, it could have been a great opportunity. It would have benefited not only high-level athletes but also middle school students, young people, it was a huge opportunity to have this complex in Haute-Savoieregrets the citizen of Vougy. It was a beautiful project that deserved to be supported, but we cannot rewrite history.“.



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