Mbappé – PSG: The secret €180M plan!

Mbappé – PSG: The secret €180M plan!
Mbappé – PSG: The secret €180M plan!

Foot – Market – PSG

Mbappé – PSG: The secret €180M plan!

Published on June 25, 2024 at 6:45 p.m.

Between PSG and Kylian Mbappé, the story is still far from over. The captain of the French team would have put the capital club on notice for the non-payment of his salaries and bonuses from the month of April. The Rouge-et-Bleu would have obviously opted for this strategy in order not to feel economically harmed by the departure of the 25-year-old star to Real Madrid.

If Kylian Mbappé was made official as a new player of the Real Madrid before the start of theEuro 2024his history with the PSG is still far from finished. A few days ago, the captain of theFrench team would have put the Parisian team on notice for the non-payment of its salaries and bonuses from the month of April.

New clash between Mbappé and PSG

The two sides have very different stories. This new clash promises to keep people talking for some time to come. Clan Mbappé in any case accuses the PSG for having stopped paying him his salary a few months ago. For its part, the capital club would have established a very precise strategy so as not to feel economically harmed by the departure of the 25-year-old star.

PSG wanted to recover €180M

According to information from Blastthe PSG hoped to recover €180M with the departure of Kylian Mbappé. Originally, the capital club secretly bet on an extension of the player, followed by his signing for Real Madrid. But because Kylian Mbappé has always refused to sign a new contract with the Red and blueParisian leaders opted to abandon salaries and bonuses to be able to recover this sum.



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