Ramos, Briatte, Lamothe… The XV of the best players in the semi-finals

Ramos, Briatte, Lamothe… The XV of the best players in the semi-finals
Ramos, Briatte, Lamothe… The XV of the best players in the semi-finals

Le Figaro selected the typical XV of the last four which has just been fought and saw Stade Toulousain and UBB qualify for the final, next Friday.

15. Thomas Ramos (Stade Toulousain)

A 50/22 from the 2nd minute, a nice restart (9th), an almost try (14th)… Thomas Ramos made a magnificent start to the match against La Rochelle for his return to the back, he who had been relegated to the bench in the Champions Cup. He beat five defenders and was the player who gained the most meters (69m) and scored 14 points. Boss.

14. Juan Cruz Mallia (Stade Toulousain)

Mallia is a bit like that plumber who can also do tiling, painting and who can, at the same time, take the children to school. Fly-half, winger, center, full-back… The Argentinian can do it all. Positioned on the right wing against La Rochelle, the Puma delivered a faultless performance. All this, crowned with a double and a man of the match title.

13. Santiago Chocobares (Stade Toulousain)

At the second center position, Santiago Chocobares shared his playing time with the young Paul Costes. But it was the Argentinian who was chosen to start against Stade Rochelais. And he produced a clean copy, including only one missed tackle out of seven attempted. Above all, it was he who scored an important try by countering Dulin (51st), fondly remembered by the Maritimes since he had scored the first Toulouse try during his team’s coronation last season.

12. Jules Favre (Stade Rochelais)

The Rochelais often alternated between the winger and center positions but at the end of the season, he took the number 12, relegating Jonathan Danty to the bench. If he had almost nothing to get his teeth into offensively, he stood out in defense with 12 tackles made for only one missed. His opposite number Pita Ahki has not been very visible, which is rare enough to be underlined.

Read alsoToulouse-La Rochelle, the favorites and favorites of our special correspondent

11. Louis Bielle-Biarrey (Union Bordeaux-Bègles)

The young French international was important in his coverage against the Parisian gunners Segonds and Barré. Before half-time, he saved a shot thanks to his good defense on Léo Barré. Then, in the second half, he was behind and largely involved in the last Girondin try scored by Pierre Bochaton.

Bielle-Biarrey, here in the air.
Federico Pestellini / PANORAMIC

10. Romain Ntamack (Stade Toulousain)

He ended the match with a delicious kick pass for his teammate Lebel. But, before that, he held his place, not missing a single tackle in his five attempts. With the ball in hand, he beat three defenders and made no mistake.

9. Antoine Dupont (Stade Toulousain)

Everything is almost normal for the scrum half from Toulouse, the Blues and the France 7 team. Dupont delivered three assists where his ability to observe once again impressed. Above all, his kicking game, very long and very precise, constantly relieved his teammates.

8. Grégory Alldritt (Stade Rochelais)

The French number 8 was everywhere. His activity and power did his team good. Just before the break, it was he who put the Maritimes in front with a strong try. To his credit, 15 tackles and 37 meters covered. Solid.

7. Romain Briatte (Stade Français)

Within a very rich and complete third line, Romain Briatte had a great season. Ultra-regular, he once again shone on Saturday evening against UBB where his presence on the sidelines was good. He also scored an important try before the break. No doubt this performance counted in Fabien Galthié’s choice to call him up for the summer tour with the XV of France.

Read alsoStade Français-UBB: the favorites and favorites of our special correspondent

6. Bastien Vergnes-Taillefer (Union Bordeaux-Bègles)

The former Colomiers player has made a name for himself in Gironde. A real defensive pruner, he made 13 tackles against Stade Français. In attack, he was more discreet but he especially excelled in working from the shadows.

5. Adam Coleman (Union Bordeaux-Bègles)

The Tongan giant of Australian origin certainly missed four tackles. But his large frame (2m07, 122kg) did not go unnoticed on the lawn of Matmut Atlantique. Generous in the rucks, very mobile offensively, he constantly put his team forward and compiled 10 meters with the ball in hand.

4. Thibaud Flament (Stade Toulousain)

Flament flew away on numerous occasions to try to capture good returns from Antoine Hastoy. With 14 meters gained with ball in hand and 10 tackles, the French international achieved a great score. He spared no effort offensively and was invaluable on the touchline, on his team’s throws.

Flament glowed.
Federico Pestellini / PANORAMIC

3. Paul Alo-Emile (Stade Français)

Atonio having been expelled, Aldegheri having had a difficult evening like Sadie… It had to be done by elimination. Although the Australian-Samoan has, once again, proven that he is one of the best right pillars in the Top 14. Very strong in the scrum, he allowed the Pink Soldiers to collect several penalties and never lost a meter ball in hand.

2. Maxime Lamothe (Union Bordeaux-Bègles)

The Union Bordeaux-Bègles hooker scored a double (16th, 20th) and perfectly followed his team’s decisive carried balls. In the game, he ran 15 yards with ball in hand. Still perfected on his throws, he still had a good game. Mention also to Lucas Peyresblanquesauthor of a great comeback and a double despite the defeat of the Parisians.

1. Sergo Abramishvili (Stade Français)

At only 20 years old, the young left pillar of Stade Français Paris impresses. Facing the robust Carlu Sadie (147 kg), he constantly took the advantage in the melee. This season, the Georgian has never disappointed, despite strong opponents.



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