Canal+, a former star commentator soon to return?

Canal+, a former star commentator soon to return?
Canal+, a former star commentator soon to return?

A former Canal+ group commentator, fired in 2020, still hopes to be reinstated.

Fired by Canal+ in December 2020 for having appropriated the antenna, according to the management of the encrypted channel, to support his colleague Sébastien Thoen – kicked out after taking part in a sketch mocking the CNews show, L’ hour of the Pros -, Stéphane Guy decided to attack his ex-employer at the Industrial Tribunal.

If the 53-year-old journalist obtained the conviction of the Bolloré group channel for “unfair dismissal”, he was not reinstated contrary to what he had hoped. He therefore decided to appeal with the hope of one day returning to the channels of Canal+, where he worked between 1997 and 2020.

Stéphane Guy: “The people who cut off my head are no longer there”

“Honestly, my main concern is that my case with Canal+ is judged, to know the date of my appeal hearing”confided Stéphane Guy on the L’Equipe channel, and continued: “I want my dismissal to be annulled, with all the consequences that entails, so, yes, indeed, my reinstatement. I also observe that the context has changed since I left Canal. The people who cut off my head are no longer here. »

As a reminder, Stéphane Guy recently left RMC, where he appeared on the show L’After Foot and on the RMC Sport channel to comment on the Champions League for three years, to join the channel L’Équipe. The former Canal+ star commentator was recruited to cover Euro 2024 in Germany (from June 14 to July 14) as well as the Paris Olympic Games (from July 26 to August 11) as a columnist for the various broadcasts of chain.



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