Euro finished for Mbappé? The worrying announcement from the ex-Blues doctor

Euro finished for Mbappé? The worrying announcement from the ex-Blues doctor
Euro finished for Mbappé? The worrying announcement from the ex-Blues doctor

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The victory of the French team against Austria (1-0), which nevertheless represents a very good satisfaction for the entry into the running in this Euro 2024, was spoiled by an end-of-match event which represents a real threat. Indeed, Kylian Mbappé, number 10 and captain of the Blues, seriously injured his nose in the final minutes. An aerial duel with Kevin Danso left Mbappé with a bloody nose, spectacularly deformed nasal septum and forced out.

A total package is very possible!

So, since Didier Deschamps and his staff recognized that the broken nose verdict was probable, should we fear a withdrawal from the competition? The former doctor of the French team, Fabrice Bryand, spoke on the air of the Evening Team. And not in a reassuring way. According to him, from the looks of it, an injury of this type will require an operation and will result in at least an absence of 10 days. For the doctor, a return at the end of the competition would be the most likely trend, with a total withdrawal which would be a real possibility!

To sum up

There is immense concern around Kylian Mbappé’s nose injury. From there to threaten the rest of his competition? The former doctor of the France team gave his opinion on the question, with a clear trend…



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