Legislative elections 2024. Kylian Mbappé’s tackle against “the extremes” makes the RN, LFI and Booba react

Legislative elections 2024. Kylian Mbappé’s tackle against “the extremes” makes the RN, LFI and Booba react
Legislative elections 2024. Kylian Mbappé’s tackle against “the extremes” makes the RN, LFI and Booba react

The world of football in the countryside. The star striker of the France team, Kylian Mbappé, called, Sunday June 16, 2024, “all young people to vote” in early legislative elections. And to add: “I am against extremes, against ideas that divide. I want to be proud to wear this jersey, and not to represent a country that does not correspond to my values. »

A statement which did not fail to provoke a reaction from several personalities…

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Satisfaction of the presidential camp

The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, who is currently leading the presidential camp campaign, said this Monday morning at the microphone of RTL that “many young people find themselves behind Kylian Mbappé”. And that he is “in his role” by calling for a vote.

“It’s good that we want to mobilize young people. We complain that young people no longer vote or do not vote enough and here is someone who is followed by young people who decide to say what he can say, because he is a citizen”declared for his part the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, to BFMTV.

Read also: INTERVIEW. How young people from the right and the far right broke the taboo of the sanitary cordon

Asked about South Radiothe Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, considered that the words of the EDF captain were “soothing” And “balanced”. “I saw that some wanted to exploit it […] He is a young man who is quite humble”she added.

“He has the right to express himself, he is not doing the job for us. I agree with him “also pressed RMC former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe.

Read also: 2024 legislative elections: Marion Cotillard shares a message against the RN

The RN and LFI pass the buck

The outgoing deputy and spokesperson for the RN Laurent Jacobelli estimated Franceinfo not to be ” concerned “ nor his “left by the word extreme”.

The response of the New Popular Front was not long in coming. Present on the same set as Laurent Jacobelli, the former head of the list of La France Insoumise (LFI) for the 2024 Europeans, Manon Aubry, responded that she too did not feel, “not intended” . And to press: “I am on the left, we have nothing to do with the RN” .

On LCIthe RN candidate in Yonne, Julien Odoul, also considered that the footballer’s message “was not addressed” at his camp. “I share his aversion to extremism, to ideas that divide, in particular the apology for terrorism and anti-Semitism which are promoted by LFI and Mr. Mélenchon. I share his rejection of the violence which is the hallmark of the far left “, he added.

Finally, on France Interthe vice-president of the RN, Sébastien Chenu, called Kylian Mbappé and the different personalities who take a position “a little restraint”.

Read also: COMMENT. Kylian Mbappé and the new path of a responsible generation

Mbappé pointed at X by Booba

In a post published on X (ex-Twitter), rapper Booba pointed the finger “the art of taking sides without taking sides” of the footballer who spoke about “extremes” by putting the extreme right and the extreme left back to back. “Thank you little brother, you’re a hero”he concluded with irony.

He then told Kylian Mbappé to take ” example “ on the statements of Marcus Thuram who declared last Saturday, at a press conference, that it was necessary “fight so that the RN does not pass”.

In a column published Sunday by The Team around sixty personalities, including Yannick Noah, François Gabart, Marie-José Pérec and Marion Bartoli in particular, called for blocking the National Rally during the early legislative elections.



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