Olympic flame in Val-de-Reuil: the City unveils the route and the program

Olympic flame in Val-de-Reuil: the City unveils the route and the program
Olympic flame in Val-de-Reuil: the City unveils the route and the program


Yann Lachendrowiecz

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 7:05 a.m.

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“We want it to be a real Olympic and sporting spectacle.” Like its mayor, Marc-Antoine Jamet, Val-de-Reuil (Eure) thinks big when it comes to welcoming the passage of the Olympic flame, on Saturday July 6, 2024. The outlines of the event, announced for many weeks in view of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, are now known. And the route of the flame, which will cross the new city during the morning, is revealed.

Departure to the Memory and Peace Monument

The meeting to kick off the festivities is set for 11 a.m. at the Memory and Peace Monument. “It was obvious. It’s a bit like our mini-Olympia,” confides Marc-Antoine Jamet. Under the release of 30 doves, the flame will be rekindled before setting off accompanied by the Hymn to Joy on a 4 km route which will take it to the Jesse Owens Stadium.

20 flame bearers will then take turns every 200 m. After going up Avenue des Falaises, the first stop will be at Place des Chalands where a show will be offered by three groups of 60 choristers and instrumentalists from the Val-de-Reui-Léry-Poses conservatory.

The Olympic torch will then head towards the Tree of Liberty, the new Léo Lagrange Sports Complex, the Town Hall, the Human Rights Fountain and the Sports Garden before reaching the Sports Park.

Alizay fanfare, Scottish bagpipes, cheerleaders, stilt walkers… various surprises will await the public throughout the route. It will also be possible to admire a colorful 150-meter fresco created by calligraphy artist Christian Zimmermann and the municipal youth council along Fantastique Lane.

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Final and Olympic village at the Sports Park

Arrival is scheduled for 12:38 p.m. at the Parc des Sports “for 2 and a half loops of communion with the public around the new outdoor athletics track”, announces the City of Val-de-Reuil. The stadium car park will be transformed into an Olympic village. It will open its doors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will notably welcome 30 local producers and 8 food trucks. Major brands such as Sephora and its Make Up Station, Make Up For Ever, Kenvue, Bred, Sanofi, Orange and Schneider Electric will also be present. The French firefighters and the French Athletics Federation will also offer on-site entertainment.

Flashmob and color party

The public will also be able to enjoy an exceptional exhibition which will present the 12 original Olympic torches from the Olympic Games from Berlin to Mexico City, including Sydney, Athens and other cities that have hosted previous editions of the Olympic Games. Spectators will then be invited to take part in a flash mob at 4:30 p.m. and then a large “color party”.

Throughout the day, the atmosphere will be provided by Marc Maury, a former decathlete converted into commentator for major events such as Roland Garros, the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 or the World Handball Championships.

Marc-Antoine Jamet adds:

“It will also be possible to follow the entire journey of the flame on two giant screens installed on Place des Chalands and at the stadium.

Marc-Antoine Jamet, mayor of Val-de-Reuil

For the City of Val-de-Reuil, the event already promises to be “historic” and the mayor invites “residents of neighboring communities” to join the celebration.

Security and parking

The councilor finally reminds that the emphasis will be placed on security. 250 agents and volunteers, national and municipal police, anti-intrusion vehicles and 20 security agents will be mobilized to ensure the smooth running of the event. The system will be completed by the installation of barriers throughout the route.

The City of Val-de-Reuil finally announces that three parking lots will be created to accommodate 3,500 vehicles near the Jesse Owens stadium and the SNCF station. Invited to circulate on foot, the public will be able to benefit from four free shuttles provided by SEMO. They will provide the connection to the Memory and Peace Monument and the Sports Park from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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