Lance Stroll’s blonde puts Jacques Villeneuve in his place

Lance Stroll managed to silence his detractors, including Jacques Villeneuve, with a fine 7th position at the Canadian Grand Prix.

Criticized for his commitment and often labeled a “pay driver” due to his father Lawrence Stroll’s fortune, Lance showed he could perform on the track.

Jacques Villeneuve, 1997 world champion, particularly highlighted the privilege of Stroll’s education, recalling that the latter went by helicopter to a karting circuit built by his father, even though it was located only a 15-minute walk away. of their house.

Since his debut in Formula 1, Lance Stroll has often been the target of scathing criticism from Jacques Villeneuve, 1997 world champion.

Villeneuve has never hesitated to destroy Stroll when it comes to his compatriot, repeatedly questioning Stroll’s commitment and abilities, and emphasizing the instrumental role of family money in his career.

One of Villeneuve’s most vocal criticisms concerns Stroll’s privileged upbringing. As mentioned earlier in the text, he recounted that as a child, Lance traveled by helicopter every day to a go-kart track built by his father, despite being only a 15-minute walk away.

“Lawrence built his own go-kart track for his son, which was only a 15-minute walk from the house. However, Lance made the trip every day by helicopter“, Villeneuve told F1-Insider, illustrating what he perceives as a lack of dedication and an addiction to luxury.

The remarks were accompanied by anonymous testimonies from members of an F1 team, who criticized Stroll’s disengaged attitude during visits to the factory.

“Father and son once came to visit our factory: I have never seen such an interested father and such a selfless son,” reported an anonymous Source.

Villeneuve also criticized Stroll’s situation within the Aston Martin team, largely influenced by the position of his father, Lawrence Stroll, owner of the team.

Villeneuve believes that Lance retains his seat not on merit, but because his father firmly believes in his potential as a world champion.

“Lawrence is convinced that his son has the makings of a world champion”, he said on Canal+, adding that it would be difficult for Lawrence to make the decision to replace his own son.

Stroll’s performances in 2023, compared to those of his teammate, two-time world champion Fernando Alonso, have fueled these criticisms.

While Alonso managed to secure seven podiums last season, Stroll was only able to record a fourth place as his best result. As a result, Aston Martin finished in fourth place in the constructors’ standings, far behind Mercedes and Ferrari.

Villeneuve suggests that Alonso’s unexpected success has highlighted Stroll’s weaknesses, just as Sebastian Vettel’s arrival did before.

“When Vettel came, it was not a problem for Stroll, because he was no longer as competitive, he was at the end. But I don’t think the owner expected such performances from Fernando Alonso, he expected a tired Alonso and at the level of Lance Stroll.”

Jacques Villeneuve remains one of Lance Stroll’s fiercest critics, never hesitating to highlight what he considers to be the weaknesses and privileges that shaped the young pilot’s career.

His repeated attacks raise the question of Stroll’s place in F1 and the reality of his performances against more experienced and talented drivers.

Despite the criticism, Stroll has enjoyed notable success in F1, with three podium finishes and a pole position. However, his career has been particularly scrutinized this season, where he struggles to compete with his teammate Fernando Alonso. There were rumors about a possible career move to tennis, but Stroll denied the reports.

At the Canadian Grand Prix, Stroll had his best performance in Montreal in F1, finishing 7th, a valuable position which earned him six points.

Changing weather conditions made the race difficult, but Stroll and his team navigated through the challenges to finish in a strong position.

His strong performance, despite the arduous conditions and criticism, shows his potential and ability to meet expectations in difficult situations.

Stroll expressed his satisfaction at scoring points and highlighted the complexity of managing weather conditions and tire choices during the race. He showed himself to be very mature by not responding to Villeneuve.

The Aston Martin team’s performance was notable, with Alonso finishing just ahead of Stroll, and both cars finishing ahead of those of Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda.

After this grueling race, Stroll plans to relax in Montreal before preparing for the next Grand Prix in Barcelona.

The young 25-year-old pilot can count on great support in the person of Marilou Bélanger, his lover.

Marilou, known for her participation in the show “Occupation Double”, was at the side of her companion throughout the weekend of the Canadian Grand Prix, bringing a touch of glamor and limitless support for her man in the world without pity car racing.

Marilou Bélanger, with her rare beauty and natural charisma, is much more than a simple decorative presence. She was able to make a name for herself in the Quebec media thanks to her notable appearance on “Occupation Double”, where she won over the Quebec public.

Today, she uses this notoriety to be a Source of comfort and strength for Lance, especially in the face of Jacques Villeneuve’s almost mean criticism.

Villeneuve, F1 world champion in 1997, has never been kind to Stroll, often questioning his commitment and talent.

However, Marilou is determined to protect her man from these attacks. Throughout the weekend, she was seen in the paddocks displaying unwavering support and a reassuring smile, proving that Lance is not alone in this battle.

Marilou’s love and support seems to bring positive energy to Lance, who achieved his best result in Montreal in F1.

The reassuring presence of Marilou at her side, in good times and in difficult times, shows that she is much more than a simple spectator. She is a true ally, ready to support her man through thick and thin. And above all…against Jacques Villeneuve the viper…

Who better than Marilou Bélanger to help Lance Stroll face the criticism and challenges of the world of Formula 1? His presence brings stability and serenity which allows Lance to concentrate on his performance on the track.

With Marilou by his side, he can face obstacles with more confidence against his enemy Villeneuve.

As luck would have it, the latter was less harsh on Stroll this weekend. He didn’t want to offend his sweetheart, who let’s face it, is resplendent. (see photos below)



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