The Saint-Flour reserve faces the challenge of Annecy in the semi-final of the French championship

The Saint-Flour reserve faces the challenge of Annecy in the semi-final of the French championship
The Saint-Flour reserve faces the challenge of Annecy in the semi-final of the French championship

80 minutes before the big day of the final of the French championships, the R1 reserve of the Rugby club Saint-Flour is tackling a big piece, Annecy-le-Vieux, this Sunday at 3 p.m., in Unieux near Saint Etienne.

Indeed, like their flagship team still in the race, the Savoyards have had a string of successes since the start of the season. Clear winners of their group in the championship, they became the terror of qualifying thanks to their convincing results. Thus, in turn, Chambertin (64-14), Bron (36-19), Tullins (31-18) and Bourg-en-Bresse (33-10) last Sunday, suffered fairly clear setbacks. So much so that the table for the last square of France, which includes Garches (Île-de-France), Maubourguet (Hautes-Pyrénées) and Saint-Flour, gives pride of place to the Ancileviens on the eve of the semi-finals.

“It will take even more against such an adversary”

Thomas Jouvente, the Cantal coach, confirms. “It’s clear to everyone that the Savoyards are the super favorites for the title. Their 1st team is already assured of moving up to Federal 3. The squad and senior potential of this club are impressive.” Despite everything, the mission remains intact for the RC Saint-Flour players. Alongside a staff who knew how to instill in them “winning” and iron confidence, they want to believe in their lucky star until the end.

The instructions have so far borne fruit. “It will take even more against such an opponent,” insists the coach. “Between energy, courage and mentality to contain and pose problems to our rivals, we will also have to, in recovery, show nerve and generate counterattacks”. The last two matches have, on these points, met expectations. The yellows, especially in the second half, were able to ignite the game and delight the supporters who will be even more numerous this Sunday in Unieux.

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Thomas Jouvente concludes: “This adventure is so beautiful! Our players have progressed and drawn new strength from it. They are capable of anything. So, of course, how can you not believe it…” The group is unchanged.

The group :

Saint-Flour. Salles, Regimbal, Pascal, Greco, Lemmet, Barlet, Estival, Lavedrine, Pagès, Brassac, Macarry, Delpy, Mallet, Souvigné, Fourcoux, Buffier, Albepart, Raymond, Rigal, Chalvet, Van Simmertier, Cussac.



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