Longoria’s plan B extinguished by Fabrizio Romano!

The file leading to Conceiçao seems to be Pablo Longoria’s priority. Other coaches have been cited but one track is gradually disappearing for the Marseille president!

Sergio Conceicao priority track OM? In any case, this seems to be the trend for several days now. However, pending confirmation and formalization, the president Pablo Longoria would have activated other tracks, like the one leading to Raffaele Palladino. The coach of Monza should however join the Fiorentina as Fabrizio Romano informs us this Saturday. THE Italian coach will join the finalist of the Conference League and find there a certain Maxime Lopez, trained to OM !

ALSO READ: OM Mercato: McCourt makes a big announcement on financial resources!

The separation had to go smoothly, a clause allowing FC Porto to separate from Sergio Conceicao at a lower cost. However, upon learning that his assistant Vitor Bruno was considering succeeding him, the Portuguese coach felt betrayed. He would now be ready to go to arm wrestling.

ALSO READ: Mercato OM: it’s tense between Conceiçāo and FC Porto!

Longoria forced to wait on the Conceição file

According to The Team, Pablo Longoriawho wanted to announce the name of the new coach before the end of May, is forced to patent the file Sergio Conceicao who must free himself from FC Porto.

Meeting next Monday between Villas Boas and Conceição

According to the Portuguese media O Jogoa meeting is planned next Monday between André Villas-Boas and Sergio Conceição to decide his future. A decisive interview for the Olympian management in the quest for the new coach.



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