Pro D2: “Create emulation in the group…” Should SU rotate its squad for the match in ?

Pro D2: “Create emulation in the group…” Should SU rotate its squad for the match in ?
Pro D2: “Create emulation in the group…” Should SU Agen rotate its squad for the match in Grenoble?

the essential
The trip to Isère next Friday (at 9 p.m.) does not promise to be easy for the Agenais, but could be an opportunity to see new faces.

You don’t change a winning group. This saying, dear to the coaches of and Navarre, also applies in the mind of Sébastien Calvet and his staff. But, in this case, we will have to expect rotations between the victorious team from , and that which will go to .

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Because, during this very long block of six matches, the SUA is obliged to play everyone, in particular to see the depth of its squad. Moreover, after the Agen victory on Friday, Adel Fellah, defense coach, was very clear on this subject: “It is a block of six matches, quite long, which we approach like all teams, with the idea of ​​creating emulation within the group. »

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Precisely, this fourth meeting appears to be the ideal time to make changes and bring in fresh blood. “Sébastien wants to keep freshness to finish the block in a positive way, including Grenoble too,” explains Fellah.

“We’re not going to change everything”

Internally, the staff “considered working on a team composition projection”. Thus, several players lacking playing time could have their chance. On the front line, Florent Guion or Beau Farrance could claim to have a chance of appearing in the group. Just like at the back Hayam El Bibouji, back from injury, or Lucas Malbert, still not appearing on a match sheet.

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The Chilean Javier Eissmann will also certainly make his debut with the SUA. Still in the pack, Matthieu Bonnet or Martin Devergie, if he is restored, should also apply. Behind, Théo Idjellidaine, Emile Dayral, Henry Purdy and Inoke Nalaga have also been lacking playing time for several weeks, and will certainly want to show themselves.

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But not everyone will have a chance either. Because Sporting is not going to be a victim. “We’re not going to change everything either, and there will be a little continuity,” assures Fellah. Absent in , Mamuka Mstoian, Julien Lebian, Clément Garrigues or other Lucas Martins could continue.

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Rested against Colomiers, Hans Lombard-Buret or Dorian Bellot are also likely to be revived. In short, you understand, the choice is wide. Especially since the SU Agen infirmary is almost empty. Apart from long-term injured John Madigan, everyone should be back in the coming days.

Enough to offer Sébastien Calvet several possibilities. There is also the form of certain players to maintain, and some, like Billy Searle, have already affirmed their desire to play one match after another. So, the question will certainly arise. Should we let as many players as possible breathe?

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If a positive result occurs in Grenoble, it could reshuffle the cards in the minds of the staff. But if the result does not live up to expectations, it could also break the momentum of the start of the season and put pressure on the squad ahead of the last two matches in this block. The first answers will be given at the start of the week…



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