A prize pool allows Evan, a 10-year-old from Drôme, to “realize his dream” of a European BMX championship in Italy

“People we don’t even know are helping us.” Élodie has a hard time believing it: thanks to the generosity of loved ones and strangers, her entire family can accompany 10-year-old Evan to the European BMX championships in Italy. She goes from Aouste-sur-Sye to Verona this Tuesday, before the race on Friday.

BMX Racing is a family affair among these Drômois. Evan started this sport at 5 years old. He even converted his younger brother, his parents and soon the youngest 1 year old. “I like put on a show during all the races, for example when I jump and all that. There aren’t many who do that.”


A hell of a track record at 10 years old

Evan already has a great track record: several times champion of Drôme-Ardèche, champion of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 10th best French driver in 2022. Last year, he came 16th at the European Championships, which were held in Besançon. Once again qualified, the boy hopes to finish in the first eight and even aims for the podium.

For two years, Evan has also been qualified for world competition. Last year it took place in Glasgow, Scotland. This year, in Rock Hill, United States. But with a father who is a water agent and a mother who is a school assistant in middle and high school, such trips represent a hell of a lot. The money from the few sponsors is not enough.

Evan has been qualified for the world championships for two years!
Elodie Jullian

A frustration as parents

“Small races, like in Drôme-Ardèche, are nearby, explains mother Élodie. There are still commitments to pay, mileage costs. It is a sport that quickly becomes very expensive. It’s a frustration because we have want to take your children as far away as possible.” The mother estimates BMX practice for her two children at more than 5,000 euros per year.

The family then decides to open an online prize pool on May 1, to at least participate in the European championship, which takes place in Italy. In a few days, 650 euros were collected. A sum which does not cover all the expenses for the trip to Verona (estimated at 1,000 euros), but it represents a lot for Élodie : “It’s already huge. We never thought we would get to this point. People leave us little notes.” “We’re going to make another dream come true”assures the mother.



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