7 surprising legal stories: the alderman still acquitted for a missed slot, incredible escape, unemployed but with “donations”…

7 surprising legal stories: the alderman still acquitted for a missed slot, incredible escape, unemployed but with “donations”…
7 surprising legal stories: the alderman still acquitted for a missed slot, incredible escape, unemployed but with “donations”…

This Wednesday, the Liège Court of Appeal sentenced Gilbert Bodart (61), the former goalkeeper of Standard de Liège, to an independent probation sentence of 2 years and a fine of 800 euros for having committed acts of harassment and threats in the context of a conflict between him and a cattle dealer over the sale of land.

Gilbert Bodart was tried in absentia and sentenced to 2 years in prison. It is this conviction, pronounced in 2023 for facts dating from 2020, which was carried out last March, when Gilbert Bodart was rescued after having voluntarily thrown himself into the Meuse in Huy during an alleged attempt to suicide.

Gilbert Bodart believed he had been defrauded by a cattle dealer during the sale of agricultural land.

Against Onem, she played her worst card

Unemployed, Ingrid did not indicate to Onem that she earned money as a life coach and tarot reader. She risks having to repay 28,000 euros.

”I was a single mother, cut off from everything. I had the idea of ​​creating a private Instagram account during Covid where I talked about well-being. When I say private, it was not professional in nature. The page could be viewed by anyone.”

She does not deny having received money.

Incredible escape from Nivelles prison: twice three months

A month ago, two inmates were prosecuted before the criminal court following an escape from Nivelles prison, dating back to September 2022.

In reality, the Belgian penal code does not punish escape if it is not accompanied by other offenses but Ayoub Hireche, convicted from the Assize Court of Walloon Brabant, had committed one after leaving the prison establishment in conditions worthy of a film.

The quote of the week


My wife came down and since I know she is anxious, I lied to her. I didn’t think it was serious

What happened on January 9, 2020? Prosecuted for assault and battery against his son who was then one month old, Benoît (assumed first name), 32-year-old Sillien, denies any voluntary act.

It’s 4 a.m. and the little one isn’t sleeping well. Benoît and his wife are tired. She entrusts him with the child. Benoît takes him in his arms and goes down with him to the living room.

”I wanted to swaddle him while he was on my lap. I should have put him on the couch to do that, explains the defendant. The dog has arrived. It had a bell and I looked away for a moment. The little one fell to the ground. I got up and picked it up right away. He was crying and I walked a little to calm him down. My wife came down and since I know she is anxious, I lied to her. I didn’t think it was serious.”

The mechanic’s “find” earned him a conviction

A Nivellois receives a ticket for bad parking. Impossible, according to him. And he rightly refuses to do so.

And he is right, as the police investigation will demonstrate. This recalcitrant Nivellois (rightly so) had dropped off his vehicle for maintenance at the mechanic on Rue des Frères Grisleins, which leads to Place Émile de Lalieux.

A garage which is quite cramped and which does not have sufficient parking. By force of circumstances, its operator must show imagination to, every day, find the trick allowing him to work in his workshop without being cluttered by the cars left by his customers…

Virton drug dealer sees her sentence reduced

Me Dimitri De Coster helped one of his clients get out of the mess she had gotten herself into. Firstly, by denying her role as the main person responsible in a drug deal in Virton, in which she had enlisted two of her friends, who served as her driver, given that she did not have a driving license.

One was responsible for traveling to suppliers in Holland, the other would travel across the tri-border region to serve customers. Then, during the hearing in December 2023, unlike her co-defendants, she was conspicuous by her absence and was not represented. The judge sentenced him to three years of detention and a €24,000 fine, while the two other defendants got off with a suspended sentence.

Me De Coster objected, explaining that his client had not appeared for fear of the two other defendants. The public prosecutor dismissed this argument, but ultimately judge André Jordant considered the opposition admissible.

We’ll tell you the rest

Arlon alderman acquitted on appeal for missed slot

On November 5, 2020, a lady is on her balcony on rue de Diekirch in Arlon. She sees a car making a maneuver and lightly touching her own car. The driver leaves the scene once his car is parked. The woman filed a complaint, surveillance cameras confirmed her version, but the damage was non-existent.

Investigators identified the owner of the car belonging to the company of the medical practice of Doctor Kamal Mitri, doctor at Arlon hospital and, moreover, alderman of Mobility in Arlon.

Prosecuted for hit-and-run and failure to appear following legal summons, the doctor was acquitted by the police court on November 22, 2022.

The prosecution appealed.



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