Morocco puts the turbo on sports infrastructures

Morocco is betting big on the sports sector. According to the report of the finance bill for 2025, the issue of sports infrastructure, the organization of sporting events, related activities and support for sports associations cost the Treasury more than 288.692 million dirhams. Moroccan in 2023.

The Ministry of National Education, Preschool Education and Sports announces that an envelope of 2 billion dirhams was allocated to the National Fund for the Development of Sports last year, as part of modernization projects , redevelopment and rehabilitation of main sports infrastructures, which are among the largest sports projects. This fund is also used for work initiated as part of Morocco’s organization of CAN 2025 and the 2030 World Cup with Spain and Portugal. Sports infrastructure will be built according to FIFA standards.

Read: CAN 2025 and World Cup 2030: Stadiums that match Moroccan ambitions

Last year, the Kingdom’s Treasury allocated 37.121 million dirhams to the organization, preparation and participation in sporting events. An amount of 51.571 million dirhams was allocated to the financing of sports federations and associations in 2023, in accordance with the contracts signed between the Ministry of National Education, Preschool Education and Sports and the Royal Moroccan Sports Federation, as well as the partnership agreements necessary for the management of sports federations, specifies the report.

Regarding local infrastructure, the report insisted on the fact that the projects will be expanded to include the construction of 800 local fields, in order to better meet the needs for sports facilities in remote areas. Added to this is the construction of approximately 1,855 plots of land, spread across different municipalities in the Kingdom, through partnership agreements with local authorities. Enough to increase the availability of local sports facilities, making them more accessible to the population.

To read: World Cup 2030: Moroccan stadiums are equipped with brand new stands

The expenditures of the National Fund for the Development of Sports for the period 2021-2023 recorded an average annual increase of 60.31%, specifies the same. As for resources, they increased by 48.66%. Regarding the Fund’s expenditure, they reached 4.137 billion dirhams in 2023, compared to 1.611 billion dirhams in 2022 and 1.610 billion dirhams in 2021. Revenue, for their part, reached 6.392 billion dirhams in 2023, compared to 3.422 billion dirhams in 2022 and 2.896 billion dirhams in 2021.



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