regrets for Grand Poitiers for the last of the season

Greater Poitiers: 31
Saran: 35

There are less than fourteen minutes left to play for this last match of the season between Grand Poitiers and Saran, Saturday May 25, 2024. The Poitevins led by three goals against the visitors who absolutely had to win to be certain of finishing second and, possibly, apply for accession to N1 Elite if Rezé, the leader, does not do so (27-24, 46e).

The locals, in front of nearly 700 enthusiastic spectators in a Bois-d’Amour gymnasium whose walls would have to be pushed open, were aiming for an honorary seventh place and seemed to be in control of the situation.

“I would have liked to start with a victory”

But the Saran coach then decided to change his defense, switching to 1-5. And Grand Poitiers lost the thread, then the match by conceding a scathing 2-7 in the last eight minutes (29-28, 52e at 31-35, 60e). “Over the last four or five matches, we managed to find consistency. We still deliver a good performance. But we break down at the end when we could and should have won. We were a little slow to adapt to the change in the opposing defensive system. It’s frustrating. I would have liked to go away with a victory”confided, afterwards, Benoît Juin.

This final day of the championship was, in fact, the coach’s last outing after two years at the head of the team. Romain Guillard, his successor, was also present on Saturday evening in the Bois d’Amour.

Benoît Juin led Grand Poitiers for the last time.
© (Photo horn, NR-CP, Sébastien Grégoire)

Besides the coach, several players bowed out. Starting with Alexis Mège, after seven seasons at the club, Hugo Madier, Anzilani Houssein, Rachid Belkacem, as well as the goalkeepers Alexandre Ribeiro, announced in Gien (N1M) and Maximiliano Soliani, also on the departure.

Quentin Ducoat fourth recruit

As for extensions, captain Léo Godineau, Paul Roumier, Yohan Bourgeuil, Louis Fontes and William Debray will always be from Poitevin. Concerning the recruits, Swann Beral (left back; 20 years old; 1.95 m; 90 kg), Faycal Siha Mhedy (pivot, 20 years old; 1.86 m; 86 kg) and Flavien Long (center half, 26 years old, 1.80 m; 87 kg) have already given their consent. And Grand Poitiers will announce a fourth recruit in the person of left-hander Quentin Ducoat. This right back (20 years old; 1.86 m, 99 kg) played with the Chartres reserve (N1M) last season. The signing of a goalkeeper and other extensions are now expected soon.

Romain Guillard, the future coach of Grand Poitiers Handball was present in the Bois d’Amour bays.
© (Photo cor. NR-CP, Sébastien Grégoire)

As we can see, a chapter is ending at Grand Poitiers Handball. To start a new one from July 29, the date of the resumption of training, this time under the orders of Romain Guillard with a reshuffled squad.

The sheet

Half time : 15-15.
Referees : MM. Chami and Mili.
Greater Poitiers : Soltiani (9 saves), Boussier (1), Godineau (4 goals), Roumier (2), Guignier (2), Bourgeuil (8), Hérault (1), Mège (1), Debray (1), Housseine ( 2), Fontes (3), Belkacem (7).
saran : Sokeng (9 saves), Colleu-Guérif (3), Le Tumelin (2 goals), Piètre (2), Gannac-Gentils (10), Postec (5), Linère (3), Gesland (7), Texier ( 3), Deleau (3).
Exclusions : in Poitiers, Bourgeuil (12e34e)Godineau (21e) ; in Saran, Texier (28e), Gannac-Gentils (38e), Linère (57e).

The Grand Poitiers reservists celebrate their promotion to N3.

The Grand Poitiers reservists celebrate their promotion to N3.
© (Photo cor. NR-CP, Sébastien Grégoire)

The reserve moves up to Nationale 3

In the fight with Biard, the neighbor of Vienne, but also Niort-Souché, before the last day, to obliterate the only ticket leading in Nationale 3, the Grand Poitiers Handball reserve, secured first place, this Saturday, May 25 , by logically winning against Brive, the red lantern (43-22).

Ludovic Guignier’s men, in tears after the match, thus conclude a solid season with a record of twenty victories, a draw and a defeat and are rewarded with an accession, just like the second reserve which rises to Excellence Region.



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