in Châtellerault, the Plaine d’Ozon vibrated

The images on the Henri-IV bridge and on the town hall esplanade will remain engraved in people’s minds for a long time.

Châtellerault did not miss its meeting with the Olympic flame. Saturday May 25, 2024 at the end of the morning, an impressive crowd – 13,000 people according to the prefecture – attended this moment “historical”to quote Jean-Pierre Abelin, mayor ” happy “.

As a symbol, the party started in the Plaine d’Ozon district, on Place Winston-Churchill which still bears the scars of the riots of summer 2023.

Signs to “hide poverty”

To hide (a little) what remains of shopping center No. 1, panels conveying messages about sport, created with local schoolchildren, were installed by the City a few hours before the event.

Schoolchildren are dancing. In the background, the panels installed by the City a few hours before to hide (a little) what remains of shopping center No. 1, burned down during the riots of summer 2023.
© (Photo NR-CP, Anthony Floc’h)

“We hide poverty”quips Abel, a local resident, ” proud “ despite everything “see the flame pass to the Plain”.

“It’s a party today, but that shouldn’t overshadow the rest: how long are we going to leave this? »asks Rafia, pointing to the blackened shell of the building.

“So proud”

This couple from Archigny traveled 20 kilometers to experience the moment: “We’ll only see this once, it’s magnificent. »

Lots of people on Churchill Square to applaud the flame.
© (Photo NR-CP, Anthony Floc’h)

An hour before the event, the gym-dance association L’Effet tonic puts all its energy into warming up the audience. Improvised choreography of the Soprano hit The Coachand voila !

At the microphone, the godmother of the stage, the Châtelleraudaise Alicia Mandin, para-swimming champion, who competed in the London Games in 2012, is overwhelmed by emotion. “I am so proud to have been called. It brings back a lot of memories”she expresses.

At the microphone, the godmother of the stage, Châtelleraudaise Alicia Mandin, para-swimming champion, cannot contain her tears.

At the microphone, the godmother of the stage, Châtelleraudaise Alicia Mandin, para-swimming champion, cannot contain her tears.
© (Photo NR-CP, Anthony Floc’h)

Crowded at the foot of the small stage from which the relay will start, the numerous children cannot hold still. Even less so when the first torchbearer, Juliette Lucet, comes to clap her hands, a few minutes before setting off. Nice sharing image.

The first torchbearer, Juliette Lucet, from the Stade Poitevin triathlon, claps the children's hands.

The first torchbearer, Juliette Lucet, from the Stade Poitevin triathlon, claps the children’s hands.
© (Photo NR-CP, Anthony Floc’h)

The young triathlete from Stade Poitevin will set off at 11:05 a.m., four minutes before the announced time, in magnificent fervor. The moment is too short not to be tempted by an extension in front of the town hall, in an hour.

Forgotten “local figures”

In the general enthusiasm, many spectators regret the absence of “local figures” among the torchbearers. “We don’t know any names!” »deplores this Châtelleraudais, who “would have liked to see Chavanel or others. For example Abdel Kerzazi, a local guy, former French boxing champion. »

11:05 a.m.: Juliette Lucet sets off with the flame towards the city center.

11:05 a.m.: Juliette Lucet sets off with the flame towards the city center.
© (Photo NR-CP, Anthony Floc’h)

The impressive safety feature leaves no one indifferent. “There are more police officers than for a presidential visit! »notes this town hall executive.

Comments are also going well on the “business around” of the event. Even if “this is not what history will remember”, adds this couple, whose two children leave with “magic in the eyes”.



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