“The last chance to save my wife”: the distress call from footballer Maxime Fleury

“The last chance to save my wife”: the distress call from footballer Maxime Fleury
“The last chance to save my wife”: the distress call from Chartres footballer Maxime Fleury

Footballer from , Maxime Fleury appealed for donations to enable his wife, Julia, to benefit from experimental treatment for her leukemia in the United States and to try to save her. More than €150,000 has already been raised, but it is not enough…

“We can all save Julia.” It is a heartbreaking but also hopeful SOS that Chartrain Maxime Fleury, footballer at FC Mondercange (Luxembourg D1), launched in a video published on his social networks.

The 29-year-old striker, who played for several professional clubs and C’Chartres , where he was still playing two years ago, reveals that his wife, suffering from aggressive leukemia, was discovered on their return from their honeymoon. , in 2022, is fighting for his life.

€250,000 needed

After multiple sessions of chemotherapy and even a bone marrow transplant, his last chance of recovery would lie in a very expensive experimental treatment provided at MD Anderson in Houston, United States.

It is to finance this treatment that Maxime Fleury created an online fundraiser on the Leetchi website. “I’m not used to talking, but here I need your help,” said Chartrain. Maxime Fleury with the Chartres jersey

His distress call gave rise to a real surge of solidarity. This Monday, October 21, more than 7,700 people have already contributed to the prize pool and more than €150,000 have been raised out of a goal of €250,000.

“Every donation, every share, every gesture will count for us. Your help is truly crucial,” recalls the young man ready to do anything to save his wife Julia.

Franck Thébault



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