In Millau, Lozerian Josiane Itier will carry the Olympic flame this Monday, May 13, 2024

In Millau, Lozerian Josiane Itier will carry the Olympic flame this Monday, May 13, 2024
In Millau, Lozerian Josiane Itier will carry the Olympic flame this Monday, May 13, 2024

“I have always played sport. It is sport that has guided my life. The 62-year-old retiree Josiane Itier lives in Saint-Chély-D’apcher.” Josiane Itier will carry the Olympic flame this Monday, May 13, 2024. She is one of the 18 Olympic flame bearers in Millau. “Yes of course, I’m proud because I tell myself it will only be once in my life and I’m also proud for my country. And then it’s an accomplishment for me as a sportswoman and as a French woman too. It’s something unique. It will be an event. It’s that once, it’s legendary, it will be a very beautiful memory.”

At 8:52 a.m., Josiane Itier will run 200 m at 34 rue de la Paulèle, on the banks of the Tarn in Millau

Josiane Itier will set off with the Olympic flame in her hands. “So we’re going to carry it for 200 meters. It’s not much. I will have eight minutes to do 200 meters but in fact eight minutes is the maximum and you shouldn’t run either, but savor the moment”


A sportswoman and volunteer at all times, Josiane Itier is a model of actions and commitments. Member of a running club, she participates in trails. She is also registered with a hiking club where she serves as treasurer. Furthermore, Josiane Itier has been working as a volunteer firefighter as a nurse for 40 years.
Promote physical and moral qualitiesin a spirit of mutual understanding and friendship, that’s a bit like the values ​​of Olympism and that’s why Josiane Itier applied for me. “We had to write a cover letter highlighting his sporting side and his commitment to society and at the associative level, I am in several associations, I am part of the committee to fight against cancer.”

“I will carry the flame for all my clubs, all the sports clubs I am part of, for all athletes, for all women too. It’s an accomplishment. The accomplishment of my personal journey”




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