Ligue 1: a decisive match this Sunday for Lorient in Marseille

Ligue 1: a decisive match this Sunday for Lorient in Marseille
Ligue 1: a decisive match this Sunday for Lorient in Marseille

A decisive match this Sunday for FC Lorient, on behalf of the 33rd and penultimate day of the Ligue 1 championship. Régis Le Bris’ players are playing nothing less than maintaining Sunday May 12 on the Marseille lawn. A difficult match for the Merlus against the 9th in the championship, but also decisive. Lorient is penultimate (17th) 3 points behind 16th (Metz), play-off place at the end of the season, and 6 points behind the first non-relegation place (Le Havre).

So two days before the match, the Merlus coach, Régis Le Bris, tries to mobilize the best game of his players. “I tell them that everything is possible and that it depends on us above all“, explains the coach during the pre-match press conference this Friday. “The points that depend on us, we must work on them as much as possible“. Because his team has “consistency“She has some.”by sequences, but also has irregularity. Irregularity in its game construction phases“, analyzes Régis Le Bris.


Concentration drops

The coach regrets “all errors” committed recently. Régis Le Bris cites the six consecutive defeats: “I will take the one from Brest, I will take the one from Montpellier, I will take the one from Nice, I will take the one from Toulouse, etc. There are points“lost”which are related to these errors“It evokes falls in concentration, falls linked to things that are not.”rationally explainable“. And furthermore, there are times when the team displays “an interesting level of play, in line with what Ligue 1 expects from a club, although recently we have not managed to realize our offensive actions“.

Régis Le Bris thinks he can rely on a “basement“, and the question now is “know when it can change, if at all it will change and if it must change“. In any case, this rocker “only depends on us“, continues the Merlus coach. “We can’t hope that the opponent or the referee will give us gifts, that doesn’t exist“. He pursues : “it’s up to us to seek this additional consistency“.

“Competition consistency”

And this “competitive consistency“, “we work on it during the training week“, explains the coach. It’s up to them, the players and the staff, to put it in place.”in our luggage and which will serve us at the time of the exhibition, to the stress of competition issues.” And that is built upstream, “you don’t snap your fingers two minutes before the referee’s whistle“.”There are a lot of things that need to be built before, that’s what I tell my players“. The Merlus coach still believes in maintaining: “there is this hope of turning things around and we work on it so we can not have regrets at the end“.

Among those absent this Sunday: Igor Silva, who we will not see again before the end of the season, Izaak Touré who suffers from aductors and Imran Louza, who continues his rehabilitation.



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